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Date: March, 2016 By: Tammy Lacey, Superintendent of Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: March, 2016 By: Tammy Lacey, Superintendent of Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: March, 2016 By: Tammy Lacey, Superintendent of Schools

2 Check out the GFPS webpage: The “About Us” page has a variety of good information. Find it here:

3 Established in 1888 Only 10 superintendents (avg. 12.7 yrs.) 2 nd largest district in Montana 1 of 7 AA districts in Montana  (Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Kalispell, Helena and Missoula) 3 rd largest employer in Great Falls 1.9 million square feet of building space 295 acres of land

4 Vision: All kids engaged in learning today……for life tomorrow. Mission: We successfully educate students to navigate their futures.

5 All students deserve teachers and staff who thrive on student success. Each student will have fair and equitable opportunity for quality instruction and academic success. All students learn when their individual needs are met through a personalized school experience. All students and staff learn and work best in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment. Highly skilled and committed personnel are our greatest asset. Quality education is a partnership of students, staff, family, and community engagement. Dedication to acknowledging, affirming, and including diversity enriches the educational experiences for all. District resources, programs and staff are flexible, adaptable and provide choice to meet the changing needs of all students. A well-educated community is the foundation of our democracy District resources and staff are public assets requiring responsible stewardship and community involvement. All students will graduate college, career and citizenship ready.


7 Student Achievement  Goal: Increase student achievement for all students while closing the achievement gap. The Board is committed to ensuring that all students graduate and are college and/or career ready. Every school must improve teaching and learning with a focus on the Montana Content Standards (MCS). Our expectation is that every student will make at least one year of academic growth in each school year.  Go to Curriculum…click on math or English Language Arts

8 Stewardship and Accountability  Goal: Provide prudent stewardship and accountability of public resources to best support educational opportunity and student success. The Board is committed to directing District resources to providing educational opportunity through both an instructional core and comprehensive programming while maximizing operational efficiency and public accountability within a sustainable budget. The District must recognize a need for a 21 st Century learning environment, changing student population with more diverse needs, uncertain revenue streams and escalating costs.

9 Healthy, Safe and Secure Schools  Goal: The District will provide all students a healthy, safe, and secure school environment in which to learn The Board recognizes its responsibility to protect the health, safety and welfare of all students within the District. The Board is committed to ensuring that plans and supporting resources are available to carry out this important responsibility.

10 10,283 students Ages 3-21+ By Level:  Pre-School = 90  K-6 = 5705  7-8 = 1484  9-12 = 2991  Lifeskills (Age 19-21) = 13  Adult Education = varies (Data from Fall Count, 2015)

11 Programs 46.47%Free/Reduced 3.63%LEP 0.56%ESL 9.84%Special Education 2.40%Homeless Ethnicity 2.34%African American 11.03%Native American 0.40%Pacific Islander 1.07%Asian 75.75%White 9.41% Multiracial



14 “A child who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence”



17 Teacher Sub265 Aide Sub95 Para Educator Sub38 Food Service Sub19 Hourly Classified Sub7 Clerical Sub22 446 PeopleFTE Teachers771769.26 Hourly Classified202129.02 Engineers100100.00 Food Service8256.56 Aide-Library/Teacher11653.62 Clerical7675.50 Coaches-out of district5314.61 Principals2828.00 Medical Related2523.35 Support Personnel2220.33 District Administrators1515.00 Crafts (carp, paint, elec, plumb1111.00 Technology Specialists1313.00 Psychologists99.00 Supervisor88.00 Warehouse66.00 MH/Addiction Counselors22.00 15391334.25

18 769.26 or 771 people  2015: (765.83 or 771)  2014: (751.03 or 761)  2013: (762 or 768) 2012: (768.67 or 774) 2011: (796.8 or 807) Grade Levels  1% Pre-School  53% Elementary  15% Middle School  31% High School Ages: 23 to 65 77% Female 534 or 69% have a Masters degree or higher  2 with a Doctoral degree

19 Pre-School—Skyline Center  31 IDEA students  69 Title 1 students  Headstart  Parent Participation Pre-School  County Extension Agency 15 Elementary Schools  250-500 students 2 Middle Schools  1450 students each 3 High Schools  2 @ 1400  CMR  GFHS/Fieldhouse/S. Campus  PGEC: 204 students Total of 28 buildings Buildings and Grounds at Lowell Little Russell Storage District Office Building Annex Buildings and Grounds Shop Warehouse Paris Gibson Square (leased)

20 Average Age of School Buildings = 58 years old Decades of Building: 1890’s1 1920's1 1930's4 1940's1 1950's5 1960's9 1970's4 1980’s1 1990’s1 Great Falls Public Schools School Building History BUILDING DATE BUILT Age CENTRAL SCHOOL/PARIS GIBSON SQUARE1896120 ROOSEVELT192888 GREAT FALLS HIGH SCHOOL193185 WHITTIER193878 LOWELL193977 RUSSELL193977 PARIS GIBSON194868 LINCOLN195165 LONGFELLOW195264 WEST ELEMENTARY195264 LEWIS & CLARK195363 EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL195759 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING195957 ANNEX195957 MEADOW LARK196056 MORNINGSIDE196056 RIVERVIEW196056 SUNNYSIDE196056 VALLEY VIEW196056 CHIEF JOSEPH196254 SACAJAWEA196254 LOY196353 WAREHOUSE196452 CHARLES M. RUSSELL196551 MOUNTAIN VIEW197046 SKYLINE197046 NORTH MIDDLE SCHOOL197046 BISON FIELDHOUSE197937 GROUNDS SHOP198927 GFHS - SOUTH CAMPUS199818

21 Board unanimously adopted a Facility Action Plan on February 22, 2016

22 GFPS has been a stable and well-managed community institution since 1888.  Clean audits  No long-term taxpayer debt General Fund budget of $69.38 million  27% increase since 2000 = avg. of 1.7% per year  $50,478,160 (2000-2001) to $69,376,744 (2014-2015)  Inflation July 1, 2000 to July 1, 2014 = 38.11% or 2.38% per year  (Source: ve_Inflation_Calculator.aspx) ve_Inflation_Calculator.aspx The District taxes and spends less than the statewide average per pupil. The District taxes less per pupil than the other AA districts.



25 Website: Facebook: Great Falls Public Schools Twitter: @TammyLLacey @GFPublicSchools

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