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5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 1 une société du groupe egis ADAPTATION AND CALIBRATION.

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Presentation on theme: "5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 1 une société du groupe egis ADAPTATION AND CALIBRATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 1 une société du groupe egis ADAPTATION AND CALIBRATION OF HDM-4 IN EASTERN EUROPE Gilbert CAROFF - Emmanuelle FRÉNÉAT SCETAUROUTE (France)

2 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 2 une société du groupe egis

3 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 3 une société du groupe egis SPECIFICITIES OF THE CONTEXT CLIMATE : 4 PERIODS (NORMAL - FROST - THAW - HOT) POOR QUALITY OF WORKS MAINTENANCE WITH SURFACE DRESSINGS TRAFFIC GROWTH CONCRETE PAVEMENTS + SURFACE DRESSINGS

4 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 4 une société du groupe egis

5 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 5 une société du groupe egis THE PROJECTS TACIS FUND UKRAINE(1999 - 2000) –PMS for Ukravtodor –HDM-4 interface CORRIDORS II & IX(1999 - 2001) –Pre-feasibility studies  Optimal strategies –Feasibility studies  Projects

6 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 6 une société du groupe egis

7 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 7 une société du groupe egis CALIBRATION OF CRACKING

8 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 8 une société du groupe egis CALIBRATION OF STRUCTURAL NUMBER CORRELATIONS DEFLECTIONS / SNP –Deflections  SNP over estimated –Adjusted deflections  x ~ 2 CORRELATIONS RUSSIAN FWD - BENKELMAN BEAM CALIBRATION OF SEASONAL EFFECTS –Deflections measured during “dry” season / “humid”season –Decrease in bearing capacity : under estimated (Kf = 0.85) –One more period + additional calibration factors

9 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 9 une société du groupe egis CALIBRATION OF ROUGHNESS CHANGE IN ROUGHNESS INFLUENCED BY –Climatic conditions –Pavement strength 6 CALIBRATION FACTORS Kgm

10 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 10 une société du groupe egis CONCLUSIONS : HDM-4 IN EASTERN EUROPE SATISFACTORY RESULTS AFTER CALIBRATION OF –Relationships deflections  SNP –Climatic factors : roughness progression –Initiation and progression of cracking and ravelling –Quality factors : surface & base layers TWO POINTS TO BE IMPROVED –Number of climatic periods + model for freeze / thaw –Concrete pavement

11 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 11 une société du groupe egis

12 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 12 une société du groupe egis SNP : CALCULATED V. ESTIMATED

13 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 13 une société du groupe egis CORRELATION BB - FWD

14 5th international conference on managing pavements - Seattle - August 2001 Updated on 03/08/01 - Page 14 une société du groupe egis IRI  ADJUSTED PER CLIMATIC ZONE & PAVEMENT STRENGTH

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