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“Classic” plate tectonic settings and mountain building Divergent boundary – fault-block mountains (horsts and grabens)

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Presentation on theme: "“Classic” plate tectonic settings and mountain building Divergent boundary – fault-block mountains (horsts and grabens)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Classic” plate tectonic settings and mountain building Divergent boundary – fault-block mountains (horsts and grabens)


3 Steens Mountain, Oregon

4 “Classic” plate tectonic settings and mountain building Divergent boundary – fault-block mountains (horsts and grabens) Collision (convergent) boundary – “fold-and- thrust” belts


6 Development of a fold and thrust belt mountain range Note the asymmetry as one part of the fold overrides the other part. The low- angle reverse fault is called a thrust fault.

7 Wyoming foreland – Rockies

8 “Classic” plate tectonic settings and mountain building Divergent boundary – fault-block mountains (horsts and grabens) Collision (convergent) boundary – “fold-and- thrust” belts Subduction (convergent) boundary – volcanic arc mountains

9 Cascades volcanic arc

10 “Classic” plate tectonic settings and mountain building Divergent boundary – fault-block mountains (horsts and grabens) Collision (convergent) boundary – “fold-and- thrust” belts Subduction (convergent) boundary – volcanic arc mountains Transform boundaries are not associated with mountain-building

11 Origin of the Transverse Ranges “Transpressional”

12 Origin of the Sierra Nevada Relict subduction zone

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