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1 與英文科 帥哥美女老師們 分享 時間: 10/26/2009 下午 3 : 20 ~ 3 : 40 “ 英文寫作及會話教學經驗分享 ” 盧富世.

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Presentation on theme: "1 與英文科 帥哥美女老師們 分享 時間: 10/26/2009 下午 3 : 20 ~ 3 : 40 “ 英文寫作及會話教學經驗分享 ” 盧富世."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 與英文科 帥哥美女老師們 分享 時間: 10/26/2009 下午 3 : 20 ~ 3 : 40 “ 英文寫作及會話教學經驗分享 ” 盧富世

2 2 Something to Share With My Fellow Teachers

3 3 Four Steps of learning a language: Listening Speaking Reading Writing

4 4 Four Steps of teaching English: L istening -- input S peaking-- output R eading– input W riting-- output

5 5 Teaching Speaking (1) 1. Divide students into several groups 2. Play the tape for the whole lesson once. 3. Students can look at the text while listening. 4. Then start to play one paragraph at a time. Students still can look at the text.

6 6 Teaching Speaking (2)  H Here comes the fun.  Interact with students.  Make sure you interact with students in different groups.  How to interact with students?

7 7 Teaching Speaking (3) Over the past fifty years, the United States has been slowly evolving from a white European country to a nation of diversity. Hispanics and Asians are the fastest growing minority groups. Although the increase has slowed somewhat with the weak economy, the U.S. Census Bureau has predicted the overall white population will reach minority status by the year 2042. While the economy may have slowed the minority population growth, the United States will still undergo a change of face Sample Article:

8 8 Teaching Speaking (4)  Sample question (I): (1). Ask student A-John: What has happened to the U.S. over the past 50 years? Ans.: Over the past fifty years, the United States has been slowly evolving from a white European country to a nation of diversity

9 9 Teaching Speaking (5) (2). Ask student B-Nancy: What did John say just now? Ans.: He said,” Over the past fifty years, the United States has been slowly evolving from a white European country to a nation of diversity.”

10 10 Teaching Speaking (6) (3). Ask student C-Jack: Did Nancy say that over the past fifty years, the United States has been slowly evolving from a white European country to a nation of diversity? Ans.: Yes, she said,” Over the past fifty years, the United States has been slowly evolving from a white European country to a nation of diversity.”

11 11 Teaching Speaking (7)  Sample question (II): (1). Ask student D-Susan: By when the overall white population in the U.S. will reach minority status? Ans.: By the year 2042 the overall white population in the U.S. will reach minority status.

12 12 Teaching Speaking (8) SSample question (II): (2). Ask student E-Eric: What did Susan say? Ans.: She said, “By the year 2042 the overall white population in the U.S. will reach minority status.

13 13 Teaching Speaking (9)  Sample question (II): (3). Ask student F-Steve: Did Susan say that by the year 2042 the overall white population in the U.S. will reach minority status? Ans.: Yes, she said, “By the year 2042 the overall white population in the U.S. will reach minority status.”

14 14 Teaching Speaking (10) The main thing is that we let the students listen to the same sentence repeatedly, and that they have the chance to speak the same sentence repeatedly.

15 15 Teaching Speaking (11) Start your questions with wh- words. Always ask them to answer in a complete sentence, including yes-no questions. Through all these interactions between you and your students and also among your students, you’re actually helping them improve both their listening and their speaking abilities.

16 16 Teaching Speaking (12) Through those intensive interactions, your students will find no time goofing around in your class. Plus after a period of time, they’ll find they are improving not just speaking ability but listening ability as well.

17 17

18 18 Teaching Writing The most difficult part in teaching a language.

19 19 Punctuation Punctuation marks Words in the right order Basic sentence Organizing & Outlining Whole piece of writingwriting

20 20 The Need of Punctuation marks

21 21 Students’ incorrect sentences : 1. In the past three years, Facebook has experienced tremendous growth ranking only behind Yahoo. 2. Although, since Lily was born, she has been blind and deaf, she was never sad.

22 22 Are your students able to put all the words in the right order?

23 23 Sentences by students: 1. Her story confirms that we must succeed as long as effort. 2. His girlfriend bought him a Valentine’s present was a watch.

24 24 Basic sentence elements S+ V

25 25 Students’ incorrect sentences : 1. New Year is coming, I was very look forward to vacation’s coming. 2. There was a student slept in class.

26 26 Ways to Help Students Improve Their Writing (1) (1) Team work Organizing & OutliningOrganizing & Outlining (2) Afterthought notes (3) Summary practicing: Pick out from the given material the topic sentence, supporting clause, and the concluding sentence. In this kind of practice, students shouldn’t give any of their own opinions.

27 27 Ways to Help Students Improve Their Writing (2) (4) Imitating writing (a) expanding a passage (b) shortening a passage (5) Relay writing Transitional Words. Transitional Words.

28 28 Organizing & Outlining Why did it happen? What happened?

29 29 Team work: a. The teacher asks guiding questions. b. Students answer them as a team. c. Students work in groups and expand their sentences/paragraphs.

30 30 A Trip to….. 1. Ask students to do group discussion, answering the teacher’s following questions: (a) Who took the trip? (b) When was the trip and where to? (c) What they saw, what they did, and what’s the one thing particularly worth mentioning? (d) Why that one thing in particular? (e) How do they feel about the trip?

31 31 A Trip to….. 2. Ask the students to expand their sentences. 3. Ask the students to try to write at least one sentence with at least one sentence pattern they have just learned. 4. Each group sends one representative to read their masterpieces in front of the whole class.

32 32 What for? What happened? My classmates & I Lots of fun. Excited, Most unforgettable A surprise Birthday party Last summer. The day before my 18th birthday 八仙 theme park

33 33 A trip to Ba-Hsian Theme Park Last summer vacation, some of my classmates and I went to Ba-Hsian Theme Park to celebrate my 18th birthday. When we got there, there were already a lot of people there, so we had to stand in line for at least 15 minutes to play each item. We really had a lot fun there. And we all were very excited.

34 34 A trip to Ba-Hsian Theme Park When it was time for lunch, I suddenly heard my name from the radio. I was shocked because that was my friends singing “Happy Birthday to Me” on the air. I was moved to tears. The trip was so exciting that it will always be the most unforgettable experience in my life Ways (1)Ways (1).

35 35 Transitional Words. Logical connections between sentences

36 36 Improper use of transitional words: 1. As everybody knows, English is the most international language. So, my mother sent me to a cram school when I was five years old. Therefore, I liked English very much. 2. The cell phone has become a daily necessity, so I decorate it every day. 3. Many students fell asleep in class and my teacher scolded them seriously. On the contrary, I’m not a teacher.

37 37 The Importance of Being Convincing Students’ writings: 1.The bus driver drove very fast and he stopped at every stop carelessly. But, I still said, ”Thank you.” when I got off the bus. That made him feel good, and he would drive the bus carefully from then on. 2. Nowadays, everybody has a problem of becoming too fat, so it is very important to know how to lose weight.

38 38 Common Problems with Students’ Writings 1. Miss the point. 2. Not convincing. 3. Illogically connected sentences. 4. Misuse of personal pronouns. 5. Tense.

39 39 Teaching English Not Just In the Classroom 1. Talk with students through emails, text messages, messengers - yahoo, msn, AOL, meboo, myspace, facebook, etc. 2. Ask students to go to a chat room, limit the time to be 20 – 25 minutes, ask them to print out the dialogue and turn it in as homework. 

40 40 Teaching English Not Just by the textbook 3. Talk about students’ writing by using an overhead projector. (Be careful in deciding whose writing to choose from)

41 41 Thanks Thanks for your time and patience. for your time and patience. It’s a great pleasure and honor It’s a great pleasure and honor of me to be here and to share of me to be here and to share the wonderful afternoon with the wonderful afternoon with all of you!! all of you!!

42 42. By Lu, Fu-Shi 盧富世 Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Senior High School 台北市立萬芳高中

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