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Plate tectonics Draw and build with me .

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Presentation on theme: "Plate tectonics Draw and build with me ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate tectonics Draw and build with me

2 http://www. enchantedlearning

3 Continental Drift Continents seem to fit like a puzzle
Fossil evidence of reptiles on different continents Fossil evidence of plants on different continents Climate evidence on different continents Mountain evidence on different continents

4 Plate tectonics

5 Question Draw or Explain what causes plates to form and move? Convection

6 Seafloor Spreading 6

7 Earth’s Structure : CRUST
-very thin -3-30 miles

8 MANTLE Lower mantle : semi- rigid Upper mantle: flowing
2000 miles thick

9 CORE outer core: Liquid Inner core : Solid 2000 miles thick


11 CRUST TYPES CONTINENTAL 3-4 miles thick OCEANIC 20-30 miles thick
Less dense

12 Divergent oceanic Example : Mid- Atlantic Ridge
Glue/ tape pieces A, B, C Effects: - Forms crack in current crust from melting. - Magma fills crack -New crust is formed MAGMA

13 Plate tectonics


15 Divergent Continental
Example: RED SEA Effects: -Fractured into a rift -central blocks slide down -earthquakes occur - Area fills with water

16 Plate tectonics

17 Red Sea

18 Convergent: Oceanic/ Continental
Example: Washington/ Oregon coastline COOL WARM HOT Effects: -crust sinks and heats up -produces magma chambers -magma chambers are less dense and rise - Magma reaches surface and gives volcanic eruption Glue/ tape G, H, I

19 Plate tectonics

20 Convergent: Oceanic/ Oceanic
Example: Japan and Eastern Caribbean COOL WARM HOT Effects: -one plate goes under other (older plate) This is heated and forms magma chambers -Magma chambers rise and when they reach top of crust form a volcano -volcano can start below ocean surface and build to be above it. Glue/ Tape D, E, F

21 Plate tectonics

22 Convergent: Continent/Continent
Example: Himalaya and Appalachian mountains - Put 40 mil, inside 60 mil inside, 80 mil. -cut down solid lines of 60 and 80 mil - Tape tabs on back together. Effects: -Folding -Faulting -Mountain Ranges -Earthquakes

23 Plate tectonics

24 Himalayan Mountains

25 Transform Boundary Example : San Andreas Fault Effects: -Earthquakes

26 Plate tectonics

27 San Andreas Fault


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