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(Decision Support System).  CAD DSS is a very powerful tool once you get the hang of it.  Consists of 2 programs: BI Query User and BI Query Reports.

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Presentation on theme: "(Decision Support System).  CAD DSS is a very powerful tool once you get the hang of it.  Consists of 2 programs: BI Query User and BI Query Reports."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Decision Support System)

2  CAD DSS is a very powerful tool once you get the hang of it.  Consists of 2 programs: BI Query User and BI Query Reports  CAD DSS can be “finicky” with how some of your reports are written.  A single search criteria can give you an empty return  Usually start in Query to develop search criteria  When satisfied, take results to Reports for formatting

3  Data Models  Data Attributes  Qualifying Search  Saving Queries  Exporting Data  Building Reports  Pre-canned Reports

4  Better understanding of how DSS works  Learn basics of building a query  Learn basics of BI Report builder  Refreshing reports

5  Query data (results) can be saved to your computer.  Results can be refreshed.  Results do not have to be put into report format.

6  Data Models show the different “modules” of data storage in CAD.  Each branch of the data model holds different information.  Data Models make finding data fields easier. Complete Standard Logging

7  Data attributes are the data fields  Most entry fields in CAD can be found in an attribute

8  Attributes can be “qualified” to look for certain data.  Examples  Date ranges  Specific addresses/streets  Caller names  Phone numbers  Agencies  Beats  Streets  Search qualifiers are used to narrow the search  Qualifiers can be used for each Attribute  Each attribute can have more than one qualifier Qualifier Operators

9  The raw data can be exported  Excel spreadsheet  BI Reports (Report designer) - can be exported to a.pdf file

10  Stored reports on the server  Not written for us, so might need ‘tweaking’  Can be refreshed with current or different data  Can be exported to.pdf  Results can be saved to your computer

11  BI Query Reports is the report design portion of DSS.  Query results can be transferred to BI Query Reports as the basis for a new, specific report format.

12  BI reports can build the report in different formats  Graphs ▪ Pie Charts ▪ Trends ▪ Radars  Tables  Crosstabs ▪ Look of worksheet (Excel)




16  Agency (Area) based  Unit based  Time Based-Unit vs. Incident  Suggestions….

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