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MD.AZIZUR RAHMAN Asst. Teacher Sikder Abdul Malek High School Bandar, Narayanganj.

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Presentation on theme: "MD.AZIZUR RAHMAN Asst. Teacher Sikder Abdul Malek High School Bandar, Narayanganj."— Presentation transcript:

1 MD.AZIZUR RAHMAN Asst. Teacher Sikder Abdul Malek High School Bandar, Narayanganj

2 Class – Nine English 2 nd Paper

3 A BallA Book A Chair The EarthThe MoonThe Sun

4 - Students today we are going to learn about ‘The Article’

5 Objectives: -After learning the lesson Ss can use The Article Properly.

6 milkwaterA bottle riceA penA tiger

7 GirlsA MangoMangoes Dogs A Lion Roses We find only singular nouns bear article, plural do not bear any article.

8 The Conditions are : 1) Noun must be countable 2) Noun must be singular and 3) Noun must be 1 st come -When the Noun comes more then one time it will bear ‘The’ -The things which are only one in the world bear ‘the’. -The Pacific, the Quran,the moon,the Padma the Earth.

9 Group Work -Insert Article where necessary: Man lived in village. Man has five goats. Goats were healthy because man took care of goats very carefully. One day man went out to have journey. On the way man died by accident. Then there was none in world to look after goats.

10 a) Mr. Gani is ---honest man. b) He is ---Headmaster of the school. c) You are ---happy man. d) ----the tigers of Sundarban are healthy. e) I saw ---one eyed man in the street. Evaluation A thean a the

11 Home Work -Write a short note on-Your mother and underline the article.

12 Thanks To All.

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