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Le verbe aller and contractions with à. The verb aller, which means ________________, is conjugated as follows : jenous tuvous ilelles to go vont allez.

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Presentation on theme: "Le verbe aller and contractions with à. The verb aller, which means ________________, is conjugated as follows : jenous tuvous ilelles to go vont allez."— Presentation transcript:

1 le verbe aller and contractions with à

2 The verb aller, which means ________________, is conjugated as follows : jenous tuvous ilelles to go vont allez allons va vas vais

3 Remember that aller is also used to ask people how they feel / how they are doing: EX:ça va? EX:comment vas-tu? EX:comment allez-vous? How’s it going?

4 Aller is also used in many common expressions: EX:To encourage someone to do something, say… = Come on!, Go ahead!, Do it! EX:To tell someone to go away, say… EX:To tell friends to start doing something, say… = let’s go! Vas-y! Va-t’en! Allons-y!

5 When you are talking about going to a place, you must use the preposition à. À can have several different meanings, including: _____  Patrick habite à Paris. _____  Nous sommes à la piscine. _____  Est-ce que tu vas à Toulouse? in at to

6 Naturally, aller can be very useful in talking about WHERE someone is going. When using aller with places, however, it is often necessary to use a CONTRACTION with prepositions. In French, contractions are _______________. mandatory

7 The preposition à contracts with ________________ ________________. There is LIASION after aux when the next word begins with a vowel sound. EX: il parle aux étudiants. definite articles ContractionNO Contraction à + le à + les = au = aux à + la à + l’

8 I am talking to Claire’s friends. Je parle aux amis de Claire. You (s) are not going to the supermarket. Tu ne vas pas au supermarché. The superintendent (le recteur) is visiting the schools. Le recteur visite aux écoles. Thérèse and I are going to the park. Thérèse et moi allons au parc. You (pl) are going to the library. Vous allez à la bibliothèque. They (f) are going to the movies. Elles vont au cinéma.


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