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Metamorphosis and Life Cycles

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Presentation on theme: "Metamorphosis and Life Cycles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metamorphosis and Life Cycles

2 Butterfly

3 Butterfly

4 Butterfly Interactives

5 Beetles Mealworms Mountain Pine Beetle:
Mountain Pine Beetle:

6 Ladybug Nearly ALL cultures believe that a Ladybug is lucky.
In the 1800's, some doctors used Ladybugs to treat measles!  They     also believed that if you mashed ladybugs (ewww!) and put them     into a cavity, the insects would stop a toothache!

7 Frog

8 Frog

9 Chicken

10 Chicken

11 Chicken

12 Salmon

13 Fish

14 Radish

15 Radish

16 Bean

17 Plants

18 Tomato Plant

19 Tomato Plant

20 Fruit Plants and Trees

21 Complete Metamorphosis
4 Stage Process Organism makes a complete change in appearance from its first stage to its last stage. ELPA: Egg, Larva, Pupa, Adult

22 Mosquito
Label the mosquito: Label the larvae:

23 Other Animals that Go Through Complete Metamorphosis
Fly Ants Butterflies

24 Incomplete Metamorphosis
3 Stage Process Egg, Nymph, Adult Organism looks the same when it is a baby as it does when it is an adult. It just changes and grows by molting.

25 Other Animals that Go Through Incomplete Metamorphosis
Dragonflies Flower Bug Locust

26 Complete and Incomplete Metamorphosis
Complete metamorphosis in insects involves four distinct differences in life stages, including egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Incomplete metamorphosis in insects involves three life stages including egg, nymph, and adult. Butterflies and beetles undergo complete metamorphosis, while grasshoppers and walking sticks undergo incomplete metamorphosis.

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