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Warm-Up A conquistador is like ____________ because ____________________. Cortes was to _________ as De Soto was to ____________.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up A conquistador is like ____________ because ____________________. Cortes was to _________ as De Soto was to ____________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up A conquistador is like ____________ because ____________________. Cortes was to _________ as De Soto was to ____________.

2 A conquistador is like a/an ______________. A.explorer B.Roman C.soldier D.governor

3 Cortez was to ____________ as Pizarro was to ___________. A.Aztec, Inca B.Inca, Aztec C.Southeast US, Southwest US D.Southwest US, Southeast US

4 Coronado was to ____________ as DeSoto was to ___________. A.Aztec, Inca B.Inca, Aztec C.Southeast US, Southwest US D.Southwest US, Southeast US

5 A person whom has come to this country from another is known as _________________________. A.emigrant B.immigrant C.illegal D.a foreigner

6 Which of the following is a Mexican? A.. B.. C.. ABC


8 Colonies in the Americas Spanish America Chapter 3 Section 2

9 What step follows the conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires?


11 Goal I can explain how the Spanish ruled over their large empire.

12 Early explorers Where were the Spanish explorations centered? Which nation did Cabot sail for? Why did the British settlement of North America take longer?

13 Background 1.Native American empires defeated by Pizzarro & Cortes. 2.Riches found in Central & South America. 3.Tales told by natives of riches to north: 7 Cities of Gold & Fountain of Youth 4.Spanish form governments in south and explore northern regions. 5.Other European nations explore the coast of North America.

14 Describe to a partner what you see in the next image. Have your partner try to figure out the purpose of the settlement.

15 What is the function of a Presidio? Presidio

16 The function of this settlement is _________________. B.converting natives D.control

17 What was the primary function of Pueblos?


19 The function of this settlement is _________________. B.converting natives D.control

20 Mission What was the function of the Mission?

21 The function of this settlement is _________________. B.converting natives D.control


23 The function of this settlement is _________________. B.converting natives D.control


25 The function of this settlement is _________________. B.converting natives D.control


27 The function of this settlement is _________________. B.converting natives D.control


29 El Camino Real Connects Settlements

30 "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de los Angeles de Porciuncula",Porciuncula "the town of Our Lady of the Angels of Porciuncula."Our Lady of the Angels

31 A. Ruling New Spain 1.Spanish law calls for three types of settlements to be built in the north. 2.Pueblo: A center of trade with a small town. 3.Mission: A community to convert natives to Catholicism 4.Presidio: A fort built to protect a mission or pueblo.

32 The function of a Presidio was _________________. B.converting natives D.control

33 The function of a Mission was _________________. B.converting natives D.control

34 The function of a Pueblo was _________________. B.converting natives D.control

35 Main Idea Spain used a system of settlements to control their very large empire.

36 Native American Building Technology Adopted by the Spanish


38 This type of architecture is the way it is because of _____________. A.the climate B.available building supplies C.cultural diffusion D.the thermal properties of stone and dirt

39 Spanish Settlements In North America

40 Warm-Up Mission was to _________ as Pueblo was to ____________.


42 This slide depicts_____________. A.warfare B.enslaved Africans C.enslaved Native Americans

43 B. The Economy of New Spain 1.Conquistadors and settlers were granted rights to demand labor from the conquered natives. 2.The demand for sugar and other cash crops in Europe grows. 3. Indians were enslaved for labor on plantations and gold mines. 4.Indians did not do well in this situation and most died from disease, malnutrition and exhaustion. 5. Africans replaced Native Americans on plantations. Who replaced the Indians as labor on plantations?

44 Main Idea Indians are enslaved and forced to work in mines and on plantations but most die.


46 This slide depicts a child who is _____________. A.Spanish B.Native American C.mestizo D.mulatto


48 This slide depicts a child who is _____________. A.Spanish B.African C.mestizo D.mulatto

49 C. Colonial Society 1.Creoles: Born in the Americas to Spanish parents. 2.Mestizo: People of mixed ancestry. 3.Native Americans: Lived in great poverty. 4.Enslaved Africans: Grow in numbers as plantations grow. Was it possible to change classes in New Spain?

50 Main Idea Colonial Spanish society was very structured and based on race.

51 The Spanish Empire in the New World Why did the Spanish build these settlements in the borderlands? Borderlands


53 D. Expanding into the Borderlands 1.First colony in US established at St. Augustine. 2.De Soto’s & Coronodo’s travels lead to Spanish presence in Texas, California & New Mexico & Florida. 3.Motivation: a. Gain control of land for Spain. b. Buffer between Spanish colonies and new French & English colonies c. Convert Native Americans to Catholicism. 4. Spanish Settlers build roads to connect isolated settlements

54 The first european settlement in what is now the United States was at _____________. A.Jamestown B.Plymouth C.New York D.St. Augustine

55 Main Idea The first settlements in what is now the U.S. were built to defend Mexico.

56 Summary I. Spain created a complex system to rule their new empire. 1.Spanish law created three types of settlements. 2.Spain developed plantations on which Indians were enslaved. 3.The society of New Spain was based on race in which most people were mixed or mestizo. T/C To protect their interest the Spanish eventually built mission and presidios in what is now the United States. Intro 1 2 3 T/C

57 Identify the type of settlement.

58 Complete the Storyboard

59 Spanish Form Colonial Governments Spanish Build Settlements as Buffer British & French Colonies Founded Native American Empires Defeated Demand for Cash Crops Grows Africans Replace Native Americans as Slaves Indians Enslaved on Plantations

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