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Alyssa Rosario John Im Roshan George. Location.

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1 Alyssa Rosario John Im Roshan George

2 Location



5 Strategically placed in downtown for maximum participation Most people drive to the clinic Bus stand right in front of hospital Partner with agencies to provide transportation and housing

6  They cover all patients that are allowed by the Ryan White Treatment and Modernization Act.  Covers all adults in areas such as Bexar county and few surrounding areas  Serves any child from South Texas, age (birth-17yrs.) ⁻ Ex: Laredo, Eagle Pass and Corpus Christi

7  Holistic treatment from cradle to grave  Primary care and specialized if needed ‾ Psychiatry ‾ Mental health Counseling ‾ Substance Abuse Counseling ‾ Nutritional counseling/ services ‾ Testing Services ‾ Dental  Specialty Pharmacy  Overall a one place stop to receive any and all treatments (HIV patients who qualify)


9  2000 active patients  365 new patients per year  25-30 new patients every month  Doctors will see about 30 patients per day ⁻ 60% of newly diagnosed patients will not return after testing positive for HIV

10  Act made in honor of 13 year old Ryan White  Hemophiliac who contracted aids through a contaminated blood treatment  4 months after his death Congress enacted this program  Largest federally funded program for HIV/ AIDS patients  Mission: Provide programs and care for low-income, and un-insured HIV/ AIDS victims and their families.

11 Ryan Wayne White (December 6, 1971 – April 8, 1990) was an American teenager from Kokomo, Indiana, who became a national poster child for HIV/AIDS in the United States, after being expelled from middle school because of his infection. He battled discrimination and bullying while in high school and helped to shed light on HIV/AIDS.

12  More funds = More staff.  6 case managers and 5 nurses per 2,000 patients.  They add new patients with the same budget, money runs out.

13  Worried about Affordable Care Act.  All patients would be covered.  Might shift the funds provided by Ryan White.  It will turn into a specialty clinic; meaning it would no longer be a “one stop shop”.

14  Males are higher in number  9 out of 10 women find out they are HIV positive only when they are pregnant  12 patients died last year  San Antonio is known for “late to care”.  $1,200-$2,000 for each prescription.

15  ut-ffacts ut-ffacts  06.html 06.html  ryan-white-treatment-modernization-act/ ryan-white-treatment-modernization-act/

16  903 W. Martin St. B Elevator, 2nd Floor San Antonio, TX  Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.  Ph. (210) 358-3710 Fax (210) 358-5941 NurseLink (210) 358-3000


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