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CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Gjalt Huppes Sangwon Suh Towards Global IOA.

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Presentation on theme: "CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Gjalt Huppes Sangwon Suh Towards Global IOA."— Presentation transcript:

1 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Gjalt Huppes Sangwon Suh Towards Global IOA

2 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Modelling domain of LCA and IOA

3 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Survey I Why global IOA? -ISA (including hybrid LCA) -relevant level of detail: functions of analysis -data sources IIWhat’s up in the World? -predominance of energy studies (eg MARKAL) -IO systems -ENV data: US, Japan, Europe, Australia IIII How useful, and how to use? -IOA in LCA IVConclusions on future availability

4 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA I. Why global IOA? -sustainability knows no boundaries -policy is mostly at a national level, but many different ones -relevant level of detail: depends on functions of analysis, but overall framework always needed -prevention of problem shifting: -to other environmental problems -to other non-environmental problems -to other places -to other times

5 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Sustainability knows no boundaries Globalisation is increasing Trade flows are increasing Economic development is spreading Problem shifting abroad should be visible Insight in international relations relevant Third World problems to be addressed

6 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Why national level basic? National governments main source of policies Differences between nations large Differences within some countries large Data mostly at a national level AGGREgation easy, DESAGGREgation not Global table required: as a set of trade-linked national tables

7 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA level of detail Relevant level of detail, as function of analysis: Sustainability analysis of decisions LCA

8 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA What’s up in the World? -IO systems generally available at national level, shifting views -IO systems at national level not uniform but differing -global monetary table available, hardly with env data -environmental data broadly available in relation to energy: CO2, NOx, SOx -predominance of energy studies (eg MARKAL) -ENV data limited: US, Japan, Europe, Australia

9 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Basic data requirements for IO based LCA Input-output table - Generally available from national statistical authorities Environmental interventions per sector - Generally not directly available - National greenhouse gas emission inventory - National emission registry - Diverse data & modeling Trade statistics -Generally available Basic data requirements

10 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Direct requirement table (coefficient matrix) - Ind X Ind, Com X Com - Can be directly used Supply and use matrix - Further treatment is required - Two basic methods (commodity-tech. and ind-tech.) Input-output tables

11 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA - Toxic Releases Inventory (TRI, US) - National Pollutant Inventory (NPI, Australia) - Pollutant Monitoring and Reporting Program (PMRP, Japan) - Emission Registry (ER, Netherlands) Detailed Environmental Statistics that can be traced to sectoral level Detailed Environmental Statistics

12 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA National Accounting Matrix, including Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) Federal Statistical Office Germany 1998: Economic and environmental accounts 1998. Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt. More integrated format with less environmental variables Sources with few environmental variables

13 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Harmonised European table - Available from Eurostat (30-by-30 >> to 60-by-60) - Currently transition period - Partly composed by IO economists (eg. Oosterhaven (1992), van der Linden (unpublished) European Input-output table

14 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Available envIOA tables # of environmental interventions # of sec- tors US D NL EU JP GTAPS GB P N AU E3ME GLODYN 3d World

15 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA What’s up in Europe EU 5/6 Framework Programme: IIASA LUCC: IO data on land use and resources Expressions of interest (EoIs), over 20 Env Sys Anal: Many presuppose IOA Many intend to further develop IOA See survey on website International Society for Industrial Ecology: Goal Commission: strengthening the basis of existing models using IOA European Network on Environmental >>> WG IOA/SETAC

16 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Available Environmental Statistics that can be traced to the sectoral level - EMEP (Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe - CORINAIR (The Atmospheric Emission Inventory for Europe) EU Environmental statistics

17 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA European Data IO tables at national level disappearing within EU Environmental data at national level improving Missing data to be estimated by adequate modelling (This situation common in the world)

18 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Australian IOA data Embedded Energy and LCA mainly for buildings and construction related field - Graham Treloar, Tim Grant Deakin University, RMIT Theoretical background and uncertainty analysis - Manfred Lenzen, GrahamTreloar University of Sydney, Deakin Univerisity)

19 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Green Design Initiative, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Missing Inventory Estimation Tool (MIET), CML, Netherlands Available public input-output LCA databases

20 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Consumption Studies Swedish Consumption patterns (Finnveden/Suh) Dutch Consumption patterns (Theo Aalbers) IIASA: Consumption patterns (Edgar Hertwich) Etc.

21 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA III EnvIOA: How useful and how to use EnvIOA: three main applications -IOA in Hybrid LCA -IOA in economic modelling -Links to broader environmental analysis: (Integrated Systems Analysis, ISA) In Hybrid LCA: -solution to cut-off/incompleteness problem -systematic solution to allocation problem -systematic development of background scenarios

22 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA IOA in LCA: Three main approaches Methods of application of envIOA: 1.Tiered Hybrid 2.Input-output Hybrid (IOA-LCA) 3.Integrated Hybrid

23 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Process analysis Input-output analysis Bullard et al. (1978) MIET: Early hybrid: Tiered

24 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA IOA-LCA Starting point: IOA A part of input-output table is disaggregated to overcome the high level of aggregation Examples: Moriguchi1993 Treloar 1997 Hendrickson et al 1998 Joshi2000

25 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Integrated Hybrid Analysis: IHA Two systems developed independently Process based system and input-output system then systematically merged into one system Why one system? -systems are intricately looped -deeper analysis requires full integration: perturbation; contribution; uncertainty;

26 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Integrating looped systems Steel IO- based Steel IO- based Steam LCA/process based Steam LCA/process based Production of Toaster Use of Toaster Disposal of toaster 1 kg CO 2 /kg steel 4 kg CO 2 / MJ Steam 1 kg0.5 MJ 1 unit 2 kg CO 2 /unit toaster production 0.001 kg CO 2 / piece of bread toasted 0.5 kg CO 2 /unit toaster disposal 0.5 MJ 0.25 kg

27 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA Integrating steps -Domestic capital and imported capital are to be added to basic table -The portion of commodity flows represented by process LCA system should be subtracted -Computational structure of LCA adapted to IOA:matrix inversion, right type -missing parts of IOA added as hybrid: waste management, consumption, post consumer waste handling, second hand market, …..

28 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA FLOORING: linoleum FORBO

29 CML Centre of Environmental Science 18 July 2002Towards global IOA IV Conclusions Hybrid LCA is improvement on just-process-LCA; Integrated Hybrid variant most promising Generalisation to Integrated Hybrid Modelling interesting Freedom from restrictions of Functional Unit LCA is also dangerous: conceptual consistency not safeguarded For real life technology questions several models relevant Sector linked environmental data can be stored in one database, for SFA/MFA, Hybrid LCA, Integrated Hybrid Analysis RELEVANT DATABASES MOSTLY LACKING

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