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Introduction to Compiling M.A Doman. What is a compiler? A compiler is a program that reads a program written in one language and translates it into another.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Compiling M.A Doman. What is a compiler? A compiler is a program that reads a program written in one language and translates it into another."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Compiling M.A Doman

2 What is a compiler? A compiler is a program that reads a program written in one language and translates it into another language Compiler reports the presence of errors in the source program compiler Source Program Target Program Error Messages

3 Preprocessing The first pass of the compiler Reads each source file Every time it hits an directive #include it goes and gets the header file named. It then reads and processes it. Expands macros Passes the results to the next phase of the compiler.

4 Preprocessing Macro preprocessing Allows the user to define macros that are shorthand for larger constructs Define variables/identifiers #define _card.h #define BUFFER_SIZE 256 Conditional expressions #if.. #else Contain parameters #define max(a,b)(a>b ? a: b)

5 Stack.h Stack.CPP Node.H Node.cpp StackTest.c pp Compiler Preprocessor

6 Compilation Model Analysis Breaks up the source into pieces and constructs and creates an intermediate representation of the source program Synthesis Constructs the desired target from the intermediate representation 2-6

7 Compilation Analysis Linear or lexical analysis The source is read as a stream of characters and grouped into tokens position = initial + rate * 60; Tokens: position : Identifier of type double = : assignment operator initial : identifier of type double + : plus operator rate : Identifier of type double * : multiplication operator 60 : constant of 60 (int) 8-7

8 Compilation Analysis Hierarchal / Syntax analysis Also called parsing Groups the tokens into grammatical phrases that the compiler will later use to synthesize the logic. Usually represented by a parse tree: 8-8

9 Compilation Analysis Example (broad) of a parse tree: position = initial + rate * 60; 8-9 Operator = Identifier position Operator + Identifier initial Operator * Identifier rate Number 60

10 Compilation Analysis Semantic Analysis Checks the source program for semantic errors Gathers type information Does type checking Operator * Identifier rate Number 60 IntoDouble

11 Linking Once all the object (.o) files are created, they are passed to the linker All references are resolved Finished product: an executable porgram

12 Stack.o Library functions StackTest.o Compiler Linker Node.o a.exe

13 Stack. h Stack.C PP Node. H Node.c pp StackTes t.cpp Compiler Preprocessor Stack.o Library functions StackTest. o Linker Node.o a.exe

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