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Facilitating Acquisition of Subject Terminology IV Session Prof. Indra Odina, Ligita Grigule Faculty of Education, Psychology and Arts, University of Latvia.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating Acquisition of Subject Terminology IV Session Prof. Indra Odina, Ligita Grigule Faculty of Education, Psychology and Arts, University of Latvia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating Acquisition of Subject Terminology IV Session Prof. Indra Odina, Ligita Grigule Faculty of Education, Psychology and Arts, University of Latvia

2 Why Do We Need to Define Concepts? The concepts we use are almost never neutral. In contested arenas such as bilingual education, words and concepts frame and construct the phenomena under discussion, making some persons and groups visible, others invisible; some the unmarked norm, others marked and negative. Choice of language can minoritise or distort some individuals, groups, phenomena, and relations while majoritising and glorifying others. Concepts also can be defined in ways that hide, expose, rationalize, or question power relations. Because concepts and terms develop historically, the same concept may have several definitions. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Teresa L. McCarty

3 Models for information processing (Selection of tools for concept acquisition, formation, attainment) Matching / Cогласование Concept formation /формирование kонцепции Synonyms /Antonyms Composition / Сборка определения Advance organizers / продвигающиe / направляющи e oрганизаторы Feed-back / Обратная связь Collage / Kоллаж Synectics/ Cинектика Concept attainment / достижение kонцепции Inductive thinking /Индуктивное мышление

4 Synectics Syntax of the synetics model of learning and teaching Phase 1: description of present condition Phase 2: direct analogy Phase 3: personal analogy Phase 4: compressed conflict Phase 5: analogy Phase 6: re-examination of the original task

5 Multiculturalism sounds/looks/ is like _______________ because ___________________________

6 Collage Collage (From the French: coller, to glue) is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. A collage may sometimes include newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of colored or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or canvas.

7 Metaphor

8 Advance organizers Questions K-W-L (Know – Want to find out – Learned) INSERT T - chart Mind maps Visual organizers

9 Taxonomies of the Cognitive Domain Bloom’s Taxonomy 1956 Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy 2000

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