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Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Policy and Program Management Central American Certificate Course: Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Policy and Program Management Central American Certificate Course: Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Policy and Program Management Central American Certificate Course: Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Policy and Program Management BZ ES GT NI PA CR January 20th – 24th, 2014

2 BZ ES GT NI PA CR Unit 1 – HIV Global Commitment Mark the correct answer with an X During the very first time that presidents and heads of State at the General Assembly of United Nations held a special session on a specific disease, it was signed a political declaration, which is known as: ( ) Three times five ( ) Universal Access ( ) Getting to Zero ( ) UNGASS

3 BZ ES GT NI PA CR Unit 2 – HIV Monitoring Areas Write the number of dimensions corresponding to each indicator No.DimensionAnswerIndicator 1Input% MSM consistently using condoms 2Process% of health facilities providing paediatric ART 3OutputHIV prevalence among young women and men aged 15 to 24 4OutcomeTB cases among PLWHA identified and treated under DOTS 5Impact% of VCT coverage among pregnant women

4 BZ ES GT NI PA CR Unit 3 – Assessing 12 Components Mark the correct answer with an X Functional M&E systems have three groups of components. Mark with an X the one that is not part of those groups. ( ) People, partnerships and planning ( ) Lobbying, negotiation and conflict management ( ) Collecting, verifying and analysing data ( ) Using data for decision making

5 BZ ES GT NI PA CR Unit 4 – Strengthening M&E Systems: SWOT and LogFrame Mark the correct answer with an X Which part of the LogFrame provides information for risk management? ( ) Assumptions column ( ) Vertical Logic ( ) Verifiable Indicators ( ) The sum of odd cells

6 BZ ES GT NI PA CR Unit 5 – Health and HIV Economics Mark the correct answer with an X Demand responds at different rates to change in price: when price go up, quantity demanded can go down proportionally, less than proportionally or more than proportionally to the change in prices. Measurement of the rate of response is called: ( ) Demand Law ( ) Speculative Price ( ) Demand price elasticity ( ) Tastes and Preferences

7 BZ ES GT NI PA CR Unit 6 – Economic Evaluation for Prioritization Write the number of technique in the corresponding units used to present findings No.TechniqueAnswerFindings expressed as: 1Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Clinical effects in natural units 2Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) Monetary units 3Cost-Utility Analysis (CUA) Life duration adjusted by disability

8 BZ ES GT NI PA CR Unit 7 – Funding the response: Country Ownership and Sustainability Mark the correct answer with an X To achieve higher levels of sustainability in the response to HIV, a programmatic area of improvement is: ( ) Scaling up early detection and treatment ( ) Focusing prevention among MARPS ( ) Set HIV indetectability as the goal of treatment ( ) All of the above

9 Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV AIDS Policies and Programs Management BZ ES GT NI PA CR Central American Certificate Course:

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