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Documents Authors Jugoslava Lulic, Tehnical School “9th May”, Miljana Popadic, Vocationaliy School “Dr Radivoj Uvalić” and Stevan Juric, High School “20th.

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Presentation on theme: "Documents Authors Jugoslava Lulic, Tehnical School “9th May”, Miljana Popadic, Vocationaliy School “Dr Radivoj Uvalić” and Stevan Juric, High School “20th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Documents Authors Jugoslava Lulic, Tehnical School “9th May”, Miljana Popadic, Vocationaliy School “Dr Radivoj Uvalić” and Stevan Juric, High School “20th Oktober”, Backa Palanka, Serbia Discovering connections between science, art and religion; Building of students’ personality in accordance with the civilization inheritance; Stimulation the students creative activities; Motivation of the students for reading the books; Supporting the team work and cooperation among the sudents; Developing of 21 st Century Skills: skill of corect information use, culture of sharing, and digital competences of students Objectives Microsoft Ofice (Word, Power Point), Windows Live Space, Movie Maker, Photosynth, World Wide Telescope Software Description On the concrete example of the scientific popular fiction we made the unbreakable connection between science, art and religion as imortant parts of human spirit. We used the project based learning supported with ICT. The activities were interdisciplinary, focused on the student and applied to the problem from real life. Learning Areas Serbian language and literature, science and religion, ICT Levels K-10 (16 years olds ) Students’ creative acitivities, research projects, individual and group problem solving, networking, sharing, media literacy Keywords Project Overview

2 Teacher Planning and Management Documents АRТ SCIENCE RELIGION

3 Teaching Resources Digital archives: 1. Since the students from different schools, were involved inthe project work, not all of them coverded all activities. The Internet space they created together, enabled them to form a network and keep a pace with all the project phases. 2.Students’ Interactive Presentations in WorldWide TelescopeStudents’ Interactive Presentations in WorldWide Telescope 3.Photosynth made by StudentsPhotosynth made by Students 4.Photosynth made by StudentsPhotosynth made by Students 5.Students’ MovieStudents’ Movie 6.Video from the School playVideo from the School play Teacher Work: Power Point Presentation for 2nd class; Instruction for Performing a Slef Resarrch; Startup Questionnaire; Final Questionnaire Students’ Work

4 Assessment and Standards The students’ achievements were assessed through creative activities and concrete products of students’ work; the students themselves were also able to assess both their own work and the work of other companions. At the end of the fourth class, the students filled in the questionnaire in which they were assessing the achievement of the teams, their own involvement into the realization, as well as the lessons. Documents

5 Teachers: Jugoslava Lulic – teacher of the Serbian language (mother tongue) and literature Stevan Juric – theologist, the teacher of religious education Miljana Popadic – teacher of the Serbian language (mother tongue) and literature Schools Technical school “9th May”, Backa Palanka: Vocational school “Dr Radivoj Uvalic”, Backa Palanka : High school “20th oktobar”, Backa Palanka:

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