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THECB – 24 June 2011 Lumina Deliverables Tuning Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "THECB – 24 June 2011 Lumina Deliverables Tuning Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 THECB – 24 June 2011 Lumina Deliverables Tuning Texas

2 THECB – 24 June 2011 Tuning and Fine-Tuning 1. Tuning:Competencies Gained Through Education  Knowledge  Skills  Attitudes 2. Fine-Tuning:Alignment of courses within a prerequisite chain  Course learning outcomes  Course sequence

3 Tuning: Setting Expectations Competencies Discipline specific a.Knowledge b.Skills c.Attitudes StakeholdersDiscipline’s 1.Constituencies 2.Educators 3.Students 4.Parents, Guardians 5.Counselors, Advisors THECB – 24 June 2011

4 Tuning: The Big Picture Committee Work 1.What are the discipline’s topics? 2.What needs to be mastered? 3.Who employs? Surveys Inform Student surveys Employer surveys Faculty surveys THECB – 24 June 2011

5 What Are the Discipline’s Topics? 1. Discipline Profile for a.Expertise b.Employment 2. Discipline’s Competency Table a.Descriptive, by academic achievement level b.Schematic, by competency level 3. One-page Descriptions of Outcome Titles

6 Civil Engineering Expertise Profile THECB – 24 June 2011

7 Who employs? 1. Discipline Profile for a.Expertise b.Employment 2. Discipline’s Competency Table a.Descriptive, by academic achievement level b.Schematic, by competency level 3. One-page Descriptions of Outcome Titles

8 Civil Engineering Employment Profile THECB – 24 June 2011

9 What needs to be mastered? 1. Discipline Profile for a.Expertise b.Employment 2. Discipline’s Competency Table a.Descriptive, by academic achievement level b.Schematic, by competency level 3. One-page Descriptions of Outcome Titles

10 Civil Engineering Competency Table Outcome Titles: A. Mathematics B. Natural Sciences C. Materials Science D. Mechanics E. Experiments F. Design G. Teamwork H. Problem Solving I. Ethics J. Communication K. Contemporary Issues and Historical Perspectives THECB – 24 June 2011

11 Descriptions of Outcome Titles  Written for students, counselors, and advisors  Need to strike a balance with fluid boundaries:  What is desired ?  What is required ?  What is common practice ? Footnote: It is not a set of minimum legal standards It is a framework for students’ achievements

12 Civil Engineering Competency Table THECB – 24 June 2011

13 What needs to be mastered? 1. Discipline Profile for a.Expertise b.Employment 2. Discipline’s Competency Table a.Descriptive, by academic achievement level b.Schematic, by competency level 3. One-page Descriptions of Outcome Titles

14 One-page Discipline Specific Descriptions of Outcome Titles setting presenting expectations opportunities THECB – 24 June 2011

15 Tuning and Fine-Tuning 1. Tuning:Competencies Gained Through Education  Knowledge  Skills  Attitudes 2. Fine-Tuning:Alignment of courses within a prerequisite chain  Course learning outcomes  Course sequence

16 Fine Tuning 1. Identify common and uncommon lower-division courses in a discipline  define lower-division course foundation 2. Align institutions’ syllabi  course descriptions  learning outcomes  pre-/co-requisites 3. Establish discipline’s prerequisite chain THECB – 24 June 2011

17 Lower-Division Course Foundation THECB – 24 June 2011

18 Fine Tuning 1. Identify common and uncommon lower-division courses in a discipline  define lower-division course foundation 2. Align institutions’ syllabi  course descriptions  learning outcomes  pre-/co-requisites 3. Establish discipline’s prerequisite chain THECB – 24 June 2011

19 Align Institutions’ Syllabi THECB – 24 June 2011

20 Fine Tuning 1. Identify common and uncommon lower-division courses in a discipline  define lower-division course foundation 2. Align institutions’ syllabi  course descriptions  learning outcomes  pre-/co-requisites 3. Establish discipline’s prerequisite chain THECB – 24 June 2011

21 Discipline’s Prerequisite Chain THECB – 24 June 2011

22 Tuning Deliverables Time Table 1. Tuning  Mid-September 2011: Committees draft competency tables, outcome descriptions, and discipline profiles.  Surveys: Committees edit final draft informed by survey results during face-to-face meeting. 2. Fine-Tuning  October 2011 to January 2012: Committee will draft course descriptions, learning outcomes, and prerequisite chain.  May 2012: Academic Course Guideline Manual (ACGM) Committee discusses discipline courses after public feedback.

23 THECB – 24 June 2011 Making Opportunity Affordable in Texas: A Student Centered Approach 24 June 2011 Tuning Oversight Council for Engineering and Science

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