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1 Chapter 3 JOB ANALYSIS

2 Learning Outcomes Understand job analysis
Understand job analysis process Explain job analysis approaches Understand the use of job analysis information to human resource management PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

3 Definitions Job analysis - Systematic process of determining skills, duties, and knowledge required for performing jobs in organization Job - Consists of group of tasks that must be performed for organization to achieve its goals Position - Collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by one person; there is a position for every individual in organization PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

4 Definitions (Cont.) A work group consisting of a supervisor, two senior clerks, and four word processing operators has 3 jobs and 7 positions. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

5 Questions Job Analysis Should Answer
What physical and mental tasks does worker accomplish? When is job to be completed? Where is job to be accomplished? How does worker do job? Why is job done? What qualifications are needed to perform job? PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

6 Job specification & Job description
JS is a written statement of educational qualifications, specific qualities, level of experience, physical, emotional, technical and communication skills required to perform a job, responsibilities involved in a job and other unusual sensory demands. It also includes general health, mental health, intelligence, aptitude, memory, judgment, leadership skills, emotional ability, adaptability, flexibility, values and ethics, manners and creativity, etc. JD basic job-related data that is useful to advertise a specific job and attract a pool of talent. It includes information such as job title, job location, reporting to and of employees, job summary, nature and objectives of a job, tasks and duties to be performed, working conditions, machines, tools and equipments to be used by a prospective worker and hazards involved in it. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

7 Items Frequently Included In a Job Description
Major duties performed Percentage of time devoted to each duty Performance standards to be achieved Working conditions and possible hazards Number of employees performing the job, and to whom they report The machines and equipment used on job PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

8 Content of a Job Description
Job Identification - Job title, department, reporting relationship, and job number or code Job Analysis Date - Aids in identifying job changes that would make description obsolete Job Summary - Concise overview of job Duties Performed - Major duties PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

9 Job Specification Job Specification - Minimum qualifications person should possess to perform particular job Should reflect minimum, not ideal qualifications for particular job Job specifications are often included as major section of job descriptions PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

10 Problems If Job Specifications Are Inflated
May systematically eliminate minorities or women from consideration Compensation costs will increase Job vacancies will be harder to fill PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

11 Timeliness of Job Analysis
Rapid pace of technological change makes need for accurate job analysis even more important now and in the future. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

12 The use of job analysis PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

13 Recruitment & selection
Helps in determining what kind of person is required to perform a particular job. It points out the educational qualifications, level of experience and technical, physical, emotional and personal skills required to carry out a job in desired fashion. The objective is to fit a right person at a right place. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

14 Performance analysis To check if goals and objectives of a particular job are met or not. It helps in deciding the performance standards, evaluation criteria and individual’s output. On this basis, the overall performance of an employee is measured and he or she is appraised accordingly. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

15 Training & development
Be used to assess the training and development needs of employees. The difference between the expected and actual output determines the level of training that need to be imparted to employees. It also helps in deciding the training content, tools and equipments to be used to conduct training and methods of training. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

16 Compensation management
Plays a vital role in deciding the pay packages and extra perks and benefits and fixed and variable incentives of employees. The pay package depends on the position, job title and duties and responsibilities involved in a job. The process guides HR managers in deciding the worth of an employee for a particular job opening. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

17 Job designing & redesigning
The main purpose of job analysis is to streamline the human efforts and get the best possible output. It helps in designing, redesigning, enriching, evaluating and also cutting back and adding the extra responsibilities in a particular job. This is done to enhance the employee satisfaction while increasing the human output. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

18 Job analysis process Identify Job analysis purpose
Who will conduct job analysis? How to conduct job analysis process? Strategic decision making Training of job analyst Preparation of job analysis process Data collection Documentation, verification & review Developing JS & JD PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

19 Who will conduct job analysis
To decide who will conduct it. Some companies prefer getting it done by their own HR department while some hire job analysis consultants. Job analysis consultants may prove to be extremely helpful as they offer unbiased advice, guidelines and methods. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

20 Strategic decision making
Deciding the extent of employee involvement in the process, the level of details to be collected and recorded, sources from where data is to be collected, data collection methods, the processing of information and segregation of collected data. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

21 Training of job analyst
To train the job analyst about how to conduct the process and use the selected methods for collection and recoding of job data. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

22 Preparation of job analysis process
Communicating it within the organization is the next step. HR managers need to communicate the whole thing properly so that employees offer their full support to the job analyst. The stage also involves preparation of documents, questionnaires, interviews and feedback forms. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

23 Data collection To collect job-related data including educational qualifications of employees, skills and abilities required to perform the job, working conditions, job activities, reporting hierarchy, required human traits, job activities, duties and responsibilities involved and employee behavior. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

24 Documentation, verification and review
Proper documentation is done to verify the authenticity of collected data and then review it. This is the final information that is used to describe a specific job. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

25 Developing JD & JS To segregate the collected data into useful information. Job Description describes the roles, activities, duties and responsibilities of the job. job specification is a statement of educational qualification, experience, personal traits and skills required to perform the job. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

26 Summary of Types of Data Collected Through Job Analysis
Work Activities - Work activities and processes; activity records (in film form, for example); procedures used; personal responsibility Worker-oriented activities - Human behaviors, such as physical actions and communicating on job; elemental motions for methods analysis; personal job demands, such as energy expenditure PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

27 Summary of Types of Data Collected Through Job Analysis (Cont.)
Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids used Job-related tangibles and intangibles - Knowledge dealt with or applied (as in accounting); materials processed; products made or services performed Work performance - Error analysis; work standards; work measurements, such as time taken for a task PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

28 Summary of Types of Data Collected Through Job Analysis (Cont.)
Job context - Work schedule; financial and nonfinancial incentives; physical working conditions; organizational and social contexts Personal requirements for job - Personal attributes such as personality and interests; education and training required; work experience PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

29 Job Analysis Methods Questionnaires Observation Interviews
Employee recording Combination of methods PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

30 Questionnaires Typically quick and economical to use
Structured questionnaire to employees Problem: Employees may lack verbal skills Some employees tend to exaggerate significance of their tasks PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

31 Observation Job analyst watches worker perform job tasks and records observations Used primarily to gather information on jobs emphasizing manual skills Used alone is often insufficient Difficulty: When mental skills are dominant in a job PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

32 Interviews Interview both employee and supervisor
Interview employee first, helping him or her describe duties performed Then, analyst normally contacts supervisor for additional information PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

33 Employee Recording Describe daily work activities in diary or log
Problem: Employees exaggerating job importance Valuable in understanding highly specialized jobs PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

34 Combination of Methods
Usually use more than one method Clerical and administrative jobs: questionnaires supported by interviews and limited observation Production jobs: interviews supplemented by extensive work observations may provide necessary data PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

35 Other Methods Available for Conducting Job Analysis
Functional Job Analysis Position Analysis Questionnaire Critical Incident Method PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

36 Functional Job Analysis
Concentrates on the interactions among the work, the worker, and the organization Assesses specific job outputs and identifies job tasks in terms of task statements PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

37 Position Analysis Questionnaire
Uses a checklist approach to identify job elements Focuses on general worker behaviors instead of tasks Different job descriptors relate to job- oriented elements Each job being studied is scored relative to the job dimensions PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

38 Critical Incident Method
Is a set of procedures used for collecting direct observations of human behavior that have critical significance and meet methodically defined criteria. These observations are then kept track of as incidents, which are then used to solve practical problems and develop broad psychological principles. A critical incident can be described as one that makes a significant contribution—either positively or negatively—to an activity or phenomenon. Critical incidents can be gathered in various ways, but typically respondents are asked to tell a story about an experience they have had. PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

39 Conducting Job Analysis
People who participate in job analysis should include, at a minimum: Employee Employee’s immediate supervisor PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

40 Job Analysis and the Law
Similar pay must be provided if jobs are not substantially different as shown in job descriptions Basis for adequate defenses against unfair discriminations charges in selection, promotion, and other areas of HR administration Specify job elements that endanger health or are considered unsatisfactory or distasteful by most people PB501/Chapter 3/Haniza/PSA

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