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Migration Push and Pull Factors. Migration- Moving indefinitely from one locale to another; migration can occur between continents, countries, regions,

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Presentation on theme: "Migration Push and Pull Factors. Migration- Moving indefinitely from one locale to another; migration can occur between continents, countries, regions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration Push and Pull Factors

2 Migration- Moving indefinitely from one locale to another; migration can occur between continents, countries, regions, states or counties. Immigrate-to enter another country Vs. Emigrate-to leave one’s country.

3 Push vs. Pull Factors Have you or your family ever moved from one country, state, or county to another? Why? Push and Pull factors were in place

4 Push Factors- are those reasons why one would want to leave a place. Pull Factors- are those reasons why someone would want to go and live in another place Four Types Environmental Cultural Economic Political

5 Examples of push factors : There is a violent civil war in your country. Your state has been suffering from a drought for ten years. Others have moved away and you, as an entrepreneur, have significantly less business. Your family lives in Dodge County. You live in a country where you cannot openly practice your faith. The taxes in NYC have tripled in recent years. It is extremely cold where you live and are tired of long winters. The newly elected Prime Minister is corrupt and giving himself dictatorial powers.

6 Examples of Pull Factors: Syrian Christians want to move to the United States in order to practice their faith without persecution by ISIS. The taxes in the next state are 25% less. The weather in Florida is warmer and more advantageous for farming. You heard that there were lots of high-paying jobs in Alaska. Great Britain's government is a democracy (parliamentary) and there is little or no corruption in the Gov. The scenery in Hawaii is absolutely breath-taking!

7 Now, it’s your turn! Compose three scenarios where a person is contemplating whether or not to immigrate to a new country. Describe the push and pull factors! Of course, you can make this up!!!!

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