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Regulations Concerning Import of Fruit and Vegetables to the EU residues of pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals and nitrates genetic modification (GMO)

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2 Regulations Concerning Import of Fruit and Vegetables to the EU residues of pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals and nitrates genetic modification (GMO) quality inspections plant health

3 Pesticide Residues The maximum residue limits (MRL) of pesticides in fruit and vegetables are given in the annex of Council directive 90/642/EEC 47 amending directives 194 pesticides regulated The MRL’s are published in the internet at pesticides/index_en.htm national or Codex MRL’s for non-harmonised pesticides


5 Pesticide Residues Baby food strictly regulated. MRL of all pesticides 0.01 mg/kg Commission directives 1999/39/EC and 1999/50/EC

6 Pesticide residues, import control 2003 MRL = Maximum Residue Limit

7 Non-complying lots from Egypt, 2002 – 2004 ProductReason of rejection OrangePesticide dimethoate0.06 mg/kg (MRL 0.02 mg/kg) OrangePesticide dimethoate0.07 mg/kg (MRL 0.02 mg/kg) OrangePesticide dimethoate0.12 mg/kg (MRL 0.02 mg/kg) OrangePesticide dimethoate0.15 mg/kg (MRL 0.02 mg/kg) OrangePesticide dimethoate0.17 mg/kg (MRL 0.02 mg/kg) Mint, mincedPesticide chlorpyrifos0.68 mg/kg (MRL 0.05 x10) Pesticide chlorpyrifos-me 3.2 mg/kg (MRL 0.05 x10) Mint, mincedMicrobiologic reasons

8 Pesticide Residues What next? New regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council expected in 2005 harmonise all MRLs in the EU MRLs of all non-authorised pesticides 0.01 mg/kg Authorisation of over 300 pesticides have been withdrawn by the Commission regulation 2076/2000.

9 Mycotoxins Commission Regulation 466/2001* Maximum levels: Aflatoxin B1nuts, peanut, dried fruit, cereals2 μg/kg Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2 nuts, peanut, dried fruit, cereals4 μg/kg Ochratoxin Acereal grains, raisins5 μg/kg * amendments Counsil Regulation (EC) No 2375/2001 Commission Regulation (EC) No 221/2002 Commission Regulation (EC) No 257/2002 Commission Regulation (EC) No 472/2002 Commission Regulation (EC) No 563/2002 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1425/2003

10 Heavy Metals and Nitrates Commission Regulation 466/2001 Maximum levels Cadmiumfruit and vegetables0.05 mg/kg stem and root vegetables0.1 mg/kg leaf vegetables, herbs0.2 mg/kg Leadfruit and vegetables0.1 mg/kg Nitratesspinach and lettuce 2000 – 4500 mg/kg

11 Genetically Modified Food GMO maize and soybean accepted in EU (Council Directive 90/220/EEC) Labelling for products containing more than 1 % GMO (Commission Regulation 1139/98 as amended by 49/2000) Labelling will be expanded and threshold value changed to 0.9 % April 18, 2004 (Regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003)

12 Quality Inspections Fruit and vegetables must be classified by reference to a set of standards (Council Regulation 2200/96 ) Plant Health Phytosanitary Certificate required (Council Directive 2000/29/EC)




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