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Optical Fibers By: Bibek Thapa By: Bibek Thapa BscIT (IInd sem) BscIT (IInd sem) LBEF,SMU LBEF,SMU Maitidevi,Kathmandu Maitidevi,Kathmandu.

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Presentation on theme: "Optical Fibers By: Bibek Thapa By: Bibek Thapa BscIT (IInd sem) BscIT (IInd sem) LBEF,SMU LBEF,SMU Maitidevi,Kathmandu Maitidevi,Kathmandu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optical Fibers By: Bibek Thapa By: Bibek Thapa BscIT (IInd sem) BscIT (IInd sem) LBEF,SMU LBEF,SMU Maitidevi,Kathmandu Maitidevi,Kathmandu

2 Brief flow of Presentation What are Optical Fibers ? What are Optical Fibers ? Types of Optical Fibers Types of Optical Fibers Structure and their Specifications Structure and their Specifications Advantages/Disadvantages Advantages/Disadvantages Application and Uses Application and Uses

3 Introduction to Optical Fibers. Fibers of glass Fibers of glass Usually 120 micrometers in diameter Usually 120 micrometers in diameter Used to carry signals in the form of light over distances up to 50 km and above. Used to carry signals in the form of light over distances up to 50 km and above.

4 Introduction (Cont…) Core – thin glass center of the fiber where light travels. Core – thin glass center of the fiber where light travels. Cladding – outer optical material surrounding the core Cladding – outer optical material surrounding the core Buffer Coating – plastic Buffer Coating – plastic coating that protects coating that protects the fiber. the fiber.

5 Type of Fibers Optical fibers come in two types: Optical fibers come in two types: Single-mode fibers – used to transmit one signal per fiber (used in telephone and cable TV). Single-mode fibers – used to transmit one signal per fiber (used in telephone and cable TV). Multi-mode fibers – used to transmit many signals per fiber (used in computer networks). Multi-mode fibers – used to transmit many signals per fiber (used in computer networks).


7 Advantages of Optical Fibre Thinner Thinner Less Expensive Less Expensive Higher Carrying Capacity Higher Carrying Capacity Less Signal Degradation& Digital Signals Less Signal Degradation& Digital Signals Light Signals Light Signals Zero Resale values Zero Resale values Light Weight Light Weight

8 1.The terminating equipment is still costly as compared to copper equipment. 2.Optical fiber is delicate so has to be handled carefully. 3.Optical fiber splicing is a specialized technique and needs expertly trained manpower. 4.The splicing and testing equipments are very expensive as compared to copper equipments. DISADVANTAGES OF OPTICAL FIBERS…

9 Areas of Application Telecommunications Telecommunications Local Area Networks Local Area Networks Cable TV Cable TV Military Application. Military Application. Optical Fiber Sensors Optical Fiber Sensors


11 Conclusion This concludes our study of Fiber Optics. We have looked at how they work and how they are made. We have examined the properties of fibers, and how fibers are joined together. Although this presentation does not cover all the aspects of optical fiber work it will have equipped us knowledge and skills essential to the fiber optic industry.

12 Questions??

13 Thank You Thank You!

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