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 National Dialogue on Social Protection Policy Options and Scenarios 18-20, June, 2014 Old Age Group Session 2 – Group exercise Additional Provisions.

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Presentation on theme: " National Dialogue on Social Protection Policy Options and Scenarios 18-20, June, 2014 Old Age Group Session 2 – Group exercise Additional Provisions."— Presentation transcript:

1  National Dialogue on Social Protection Policy Options and Scenarios 18-20, June, 2014 Old Age Group Session 2 – Group exercise Additional Provisions 1. Social Pensions Scheme 2.Older Persons Self Help Group (OPSHG)

2  Social Pensions Scheme Benefit: Cash Service Provider: MSW:DSW. Regional partnership RDSW and GAD Non-Contributory Target Population: Older persons not covered by other pensions schemes (civil servants pensions or SSB)

3  Progressive or not:  Scenario 1: Over 70 means tested  Scenario 2: Older persons older than 70: universal  Scenario 3: Older than 65, means tested  Scenario 4: Older than 65, geographical targeting (remote areas Kachin, Chin, Shan, Kaya) and means testing  Scenario 5: Older than 65, universal Options for progressive coverage (depending on funding):  Start with scenario 4, then 3, then 5  Start with scenario 1, then 2, then 5 Social Pensions Scheme

4  Benefit level(average benefits, vary according to price of food basket (transport costs to health centers can also be added))  Scenario one (universal scenarios): basic monthly benefit for older person plus extra benefit (same amount as basic) if disabled or chronic illness or non- communicable diseases.  70-75: 20,000K (basic; 40,000K if disabled)  75-80: 25,000K(basic; 50,000K if disabled)  80-85: 30,000K(basic; 60,000K if disabled)  85 and above: 35,000K(basic; 70,000K if disabled) Social Pensions Scheme

5   Scenario 2: Means-tested scenarios  65-70: 20,000K (basic; 40,000K if disabled)  70-75: 25,000K (basic; 50,000K if disabled)  75-80: 30,000K (basic; 60,000K if disabled)  80-85: 35,000K (basic; 70,000K if disabled)  85 and above: 40,000K (basic; 80,000 if disabled,or other illness)

6  Older Persons Self Help Group (OPSHG)  Benefit:Cash, kind and service  Service Provider: MSW/DSW at central level; Regions: RDSW and GAD; Local: Townships coordinate access to services; CBOs coordinate and manage funds for OPSHG at village level  Non-Contributory  Target Population:Older persons not covered by other pensions schemes (civil servants pensions or SSB)60 or older

7  Older Persons Self Help Group (OPSHG)  Progressive or not: Yes  First stage: 3 regions, 50 villages per region  Second stage: Full coverage in initial 3 regions  Third stage: Nationwide coverage (above 60,000 villages)

8  Older Persons Self Help Group (OPSHG)  Benefit level  Livelihood loan (means tested and categorical: healthy elderly)): 100,000K per old person for productive investment (2-3% interest rate). This only applies to healthy elderly. If elderly dies or falls ill, family member takes over the assets and commitment.  In-kind (means-tested): food support. Between 10,000K- 40,000k depending on the cost of food basket.

9   Benefit level  Service (categorical: ill, lonely, in need of home care): Health, transport to health centers, home care, referral services, home for the aged, day care center, etc. Covered by MSW’s budget.  DSW will provide 1,000,000 K per OPSHG as initial Fund.


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