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Renaissance Period 1400 - 1600. Renaissance Means? Re-Birth.

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance Period 1400 - 1600. Renaissance Means? Re-Birth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance Period 1400 - 1600

2 Renaissance Means? Re-Birth

3 The Renaissance Period saw a “re-birth” of what?

4 Renaissance Characteristics Rebirth of classical learning Rebirth of classical learning Gradual change from feudal system to modern state Gradual change from feudal system to modern state Change in people’s view of the earth & cosmos Change in people’s view of the earth & cosmos Increased patronage Increased patronage Increased interest in humanist learning Increased interest in humanist learning “Renaissance Man” “Renaissance Man” Explosion of science and exploration / discovery Explosion of science and exploration / discovery Church and court no longer sole influences on the arts Church and court no longer sole influences on the arts

5 What is the chief philosophy of the Renaissance? Humanism

6 What are some of the chief tenets of Humanism?

7 Who are some the most prominent artists of the Renaissance?

8 Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa

9 Michelangelo’s David

10 What was Luther’s intent with his “95 Theses?”

11 What was the result?

12 What was the Catholic response to Luther?

13 What was the significance of Guttenberg & his printing press?

14 Musical Characteristics of the Renaissance Period Added a lower part (bass) below tenor. Now common to have 4 singing parts. Added a lower part (bass) below tenor. Now common to have 4 singing parts. Church music highly polyphonic & often Church music highly polyphonic & often a cappella More interest in harmonic intervals – starts leading the way towards tonality More interest in harmonic intervals – starts leading the way towards tonality Rhythm generally stronger in secular music Rhythm generally stronger in secular music

15 Musical Forms in the Renaissance Sacred Mass Mass Motet MotetSecular Madrigal Madrigal Chanson Chanson

16 Council of Trent

17 Prominent Renaissance Composers Josquin des Prez – Netherlands Josquin des Prez – Netherlands Orlando di Lassus – Netherlands Orlando di Lassus – Netherlands Thomas Morley – England Thomas Morley – England William Byrd - England William Byrd - England Thomas Tallis – England Thomas Tallis – England Palestrina – Italy Palestrina – Italy Giovanni Gabrieli – Italy Giovanni Gabrieli – Italy Claudio Monteverdi - Italy Claudio Monteverdi - Italy


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