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Cool organism of the day… The bombardier beetle defends itself by squirting predators with a high-pressure jet of boiling liquid in a rapid-fire action.

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Presentation on theme: "Cool organism of the day… The bombardier beetle defends itself by squirting predators with a high-pressure jet of boiling liquid in a rapid-fire action."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cool organism of the day… The bombardier beetle defends itself by squirting predators with a high-pressure jet of boiling liquid in a rapid-fire action. How? It stores two different chemicals in chambers that create a violent chemical reaction when combined.

2 Safety First!

3 WHMIS Symbols: at school or at work WHMISWHMIS orkplace azardous aterials nformation ystem

4 Corrosive material

5 Biohazardous infectious material

6 Compressed gas

7 Materials causing immediate and serious toxic effects

8 Materials causing other toxic effects

9 Dangerously reactive material

10 Flammable and combustible material

11 Oxidizing material



14 Household products

15 HHPS : at home HHPSHHPS azardous ousehold roduct ymbols

16 most  least dangerous Danger WarningCaution



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