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Reformation. Tens of thousands of Protestant churches, denominations and sects trace their origins back, one way or another, either to the three major.

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Presentation on theme: "Reformation. Tens of thousands of Protestant churches, denominations and sects trace their origins back, one way or another, either to the three major."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reformation

2 Tens of thousands of Protestant churches, denominations and sects trace their origins back, one way or another, either to the three major founders of the Reformation.


4 Martin Luther Most Catholics know the three main Protestant Reformers Luther, Zwingli and Calvin even if they don't know much about them. Martin Luther (1483- 1546), they usually know, was a priest who broke with Rome over indulgences and Celibacy rule.

5 Luther initially refrained from marriage precisely to avoid giving his opponents a weapon to use against him. Eventually, though, Luther did marry Catherine von Bora, an ex-nun.

6 He objected to certain ideas and practices prevalent in the Church of his day. Celibacy Rule The notion that one had to merit God's grace through pious practices in order to be saved. Indulgences could be purchased in order to benefit the dead in purgatory. Luther on Mary: [She is the] highest woman and the noblest gem in Christianity after Christ... She is nobility, wisdom, and holiness personified. We can never honor her enough. Still honor and praise must be given to her in such a way as to injure neither Christ nor the Scriptures. (Sermon, Christmas, 1531)

7 The ‘Solas’(Sola=Only) Luther (Either/Or---’only’) Sola Fide: ‘Faith not works leads to salvation’. Sola Scriptura: ‘The Bible alone is the only authority.’ Sola Gracia: ‘Justification comes through grace NOT justification by sinner’s own efforts. To merit salvation.’ Catholic Faith(Both/And) Faith and Works. True faith is measured by acts of love. The Bible and Tradition as interpreted by the magisterium. God cannot impose His grace it must be received through openness, prayer and faith. Through cooperation in the life of sacraments.

8 7 Areas of Catholic theology that Lutheranism Changed/Dropped 1.Rejection of Tradition/Magisterium as teaching authority 2.Rejection of 5/7 Sacraments (kept Baptism, Eucharist*)…Others are smaller ‘rites’. 3.Change in belief about Eucharist 1.Transubstantiation v. Consubstantiation 2.As Sacrifice v. Symbolic memorial 4.Saints and Mary 5.Purgatory 6.Bible Canon 7.Celibacy Rule


10 Catholic Reformation: To re-commit to being real Catholics The reform movement within the Catholic Church. 1540-Jesuits, 1545-Council of Trent. Called for seminaries: priestly formation. Universal catechesis of all doctrines. Dealt with corruption and abuses by creating rules and uniformity. 10 Catholic Saints emerged, calling Catholics to repentance and modeling for them the life of sanctity.

11 The 10 Saints St. Pius V and St. Charles Borromeo. Martyrs Thomas More and John Fisher contributed to the beginnings of the Catholic Reform. St. Ignatius Loyola and his Jesuits were majors instruments of Catholic renewal-The Spiritual Exercises. Then there were the Spanish mystics and spiritual giants Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, as well as St. Philip Neri, St. Peter Canisius, and St. Francis de Sales, whose apostolic work deeply penetrated the Catholic laity. They transformed hearts and minds, as they called people back to God, to union with Jesus Christ, to living the Gospel in their daily lives in the world.

12 Unity? 1517-2017: 500 years So many European Conflicts resulted 16 th 17 th century Scandal of a divided Christianity. Still Baptism. Early 20 th Century-Rise of Secular/Communist/Facism (All anti-Christian). The Enemy of my Enemy is my friend. Late 20th Century-Vatican II : opened door to unity-One of the more notable changes at the council was the unprecedented access granted to non-Catholic observers. 21 st Century-EU Constitution aggressively left out any reference to Europe’s Christian Roots Popes JPII, Benedict and Francis have all been bridges to unity JOINT DECLARATION ON THE DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION-1999 Instances of shared Communion at Vatican Food for the Journey or the final reward?

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