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Capstone Presentation Does STEM Integration through Project Based Learning Improve Student Achievement? Cindy Reeves.

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Presentation on theme: "Capstone Presentation Does STEM Integration through Project Based Learning Improve Student Achievement? Cindy Reeves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capstone Presentation Does STEM Integration through Project Based Learning Improve Student Achievement? Cindy Reeves

2 Overview of Literature

3 Low levels of student engagement in a teacher-centered learning environment were found to be responsible for an increased risk of classroom behaviors that are counterproductive to learning (Godzicki, Godzicki, Krofel, & Michaels, 2013).

4 Project Based Learning already has a proven record based on the constructivist learning theory and serves to bridge the gap between schools and the workplace (Verma, Dickerson & McKinney, 2011).

5 Project-Based Learning was discussed as a means to move high school students beyond the basic comprehension level into greater critical thinking and deeper understanding (Boss, 2012; Mehta & Fine, 2012). A Video Conference with NASA Scientists allows students to share projects on robotic arms and see how NASA uses robotic technology. Developing projects with Enercon Energy Corporation

6 In addition to increased academic achievement, there is evidence of students learning persistence, flexible thinking, time management and the social maturity of dealing with disappointment as well as successes as the result of open-ended, complex, and self-directed projects. (Mehta & Fine, 2012) Students modify a walker with Omni multi-directional wheels and a seat for a design that can transition to hands- free.

7 Emerging technologies are rapidly replacing the technologies of the past, creating a different classroom climate that provides students with the capability of accessing information and creating innovative solutions. (Parker & Lazaros, 2014) Student teaches others how to develop presentations with MIT’s Scratch programming language.

8 Overview of Methodology


10 Forty-four percent of students in the study receive free or reduced lunch.

11 Overview of Analysis


13 Overview of Results

14 Capstone Reflection

15 References Boss, S. (2012). The Challenge of Assessing Project-Based Learning. District Administration, 48(9), 46-50. Godzicki, L., Godzicki, N., Krofel, M., & Michaels, R. (2013). Increasing motivation and engagement in elementary and middle school students through technology-supported learning environments (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED541343) Mehta, J., & Fine, S. (2012). Teaching differently... Learning deeply. The Phi Delta Kappan, (2). 31 – 35. Parker, J., & Lazaros, E. J. (2014). Teaching 21st century skills and STEM concepts in the elementary classroom. Children's Technology & Engineering, 18(4), 24-27. Verma, A. K., Dickerson, D., & McKinney, S. (2011). Engaging students in STEM careers with project-based learning -- marine tech project. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 71(1), 25-31.

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