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JUMBUCK May 2016 GOLD PROJECT Gawler Craton - South Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "JUMBUCK May 2016 GOLD PROJECT Gawler Craton - South Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 JUMBUCK May 2016 GOLD PROJECT Gawler Craton - South Australia

2 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT REGINAL TARGETS The information that relates to exploration targets, exploration results and drilling data is based on information compiled by Ian D. Finch who is a member of the Australian Institute of Resources and Metallurgy and who has more than five years experience in the field of activity being reported on. Ian Finch is an employee of the Company and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a competent person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Minerals Resources and Ore Reserves’. Mr. Finch consents to the inclusion in the presentation of the matters based on his information in the form and content in which it appears. This presentation does not purport to provide all of the information an interested party may require in order to investigate the affairs of Tyranna Resources Limited, nor shall it be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell Tyranna securities, or to engage in or refrain from engaging in any financial transaction. In preparing this presentation Tyranna did not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of the individual investors. Before making an investment decision on the basis of this presentation, the investor needs to consider, with or without the assistance of a financial advisor, whether the investment is appropriate in light of their particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances. This presentation is based on information acquired from associated companies, internal company reports and technical information believed to be reliable but Tyranna does not make any representation or warranty to its accuracy, completeness or currency. Tyranna accepts no obligation to correct or update the information or opinions expressed in it. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice and accurately reflect the views of Tyranna at the time of presenting. Photographs, unless captioned, are not from the project area. This presentation has originated from Tyranna Resources Limited. Exploration Target (Target) Statement: An Exploration Target (Target) does not constitute the definition of any resource, which is compliant with the JORC Code. Target tonnages and grades contained herein are conceptual in nature and may or may not be realised through completion of further exploration and other studies on the targets described. As such, it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of tonnages and grades that conform to mineral resources or ore reserves under the JORC code COMPETENT PERSON STATEMENT & DISCLAIMER


4 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT CHALLENGER GOLD MINE >1Mill oz @ 6g/t Au. ( since 2002) 108,000Oz @ 9.52g/t Au. ( at its peak - 2005-06) Regional exploration since discovery ….. Very sparse Source: Kingsgate 2015


6 DOMINANT LAND POSITION Tyranna Controls +8,000km 2 of the most prospective ground around Challenger Gold Mine +$20M spent on exploration. A pipeline of advanced gold prospects.


8 1m@9.07g/t THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT SIZE POTENTIAL – WA GOLDFIELDS Black Knight Typhoon & Monsoon Breakaway Bore Golf Bore & Golf Bore North Mainwood & Campfire Bore

9 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT PRIORITY PROSPECTS Black Knight 1m@7.85g/t Au 2@2.35g/t Au Typhoon 1m@28.8g/t Au 6@9.6g/t Au Monsoon 3m@8.08g/t Au 3@6.96g/t Au Breakaway Bore 1m@8.96g/t Au Campfire Bore 1m@14.59g/t Au 14@4.17/t Au Mainwood 1m@25.24g/t Au 1@33.5g/t Au Legend TYX 100% TYX 59% / Diversified Minerals 41% Golf Bore and Golf Bore North Challenger Gold Mine

10 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT Current Drill Targets Challenger Gold Mine Golf Bore & Golf Bore North Mainwood & Campfire Bore

11 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT Close to Challenger Mill 22 Kms

12 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT OBJECTIVES - 2016 Upgrade and extend known gold prospects to increase resource ounces (target >500,000 ozs) Convert Resources to Reserves. Mining feasibility of one or more prospects with centrally located plant. Extend Search for high grade discovery. Drill Out Advanced Targets Target 500,000 Oz @ >2 g/t Gold Resource +/- 250,000 Oz Gold Reserve Mine – Centrally Located Plant

13 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT Golf Bore & Golf Bore North Calcrete Legend Au (ppb) 3m@2.48g/t 1m@9.89g/t 2m@1.71g/t 1m@3.03g/t EL TYX 59%/WPG 41% EL TYX 100% GOLF BORE NORTH GOLF BORE

14 SWNE GOLF BORE 100m OPEN TO GOLF BORE NORTH 2015 Intersections > 5g/t Phase 2 Intersections > 5g/t Historic Intersections > 5g/t 4/9.5 = No. of metres/Au grade (g/t) Depth extent below 60m still to be tested 1m@6.4g/t 1m@6.8g/t 2m@7g/t 2m@5.2g/t 1m@7.8g/t 1m@12.1g/t 1m@10g/t 1m@8.9g/t 1m@8.6g/t 1m@24.3g/t Source Structure Source Structure? Source Structure THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT

15 High Grade Horizon Confirmed

16 1m@9.07g/t THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT Campfire Bore 8m@3.5g/t 6m@4.97g/t 14m@4.17g/t 1m@3.56g/t 1m@14.59g/t 1m@1.6g/t 1m@4.4g/t 1m@1.11g/t

17 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT Campfire Bore Drilling

18 1m@9.07g/t THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT Mainwood 12m@1.7g/t 1m@10.1g/t 1m@41.1g/t 13m@3.5g/t inc. 1m@25.2g/t 6m@4.4g/t 1m@33.5g/t 1m@18.9g/t 5m@2.145m@2.14 g/t

19 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT Timeline  6200m Drilling Completed – June.  Results - May /June / July.  Prospect Level Metallurgical Testwork – June.  Commence 15,000m to 20,000m Resource Drilling – August.  Results – September / October / November.  Desk Top Mining Studies - November

20 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT CORPORATE PROFILE  Shares on Issue………………………….283 M  Options on Issue (listed)….………. 29.6 M  Options on Issue (unlisted)………....14 M  Share Price……………………………………3.6c  Market Capitalisation………………$10.2 M  Cash, Receivables & Investments.$7.7 M  Shares on Issue………………………….283 M  Options on Issue (listed)….………. 29.6 M  Options on Issue (unlisted)………....14 M  Share Price……………………………………3.6c  Market Capitalisation………………$10.2 M  Cash, Receivables & Investments.$7.7 M ASX: TYX

21 THE JUMBUCK GOLD PROJECT Why Invest in Tyranna?  > 20,000m Drill Program Underway  Targetting +1M Oz Challenger “look-a-likes”.  Extensive New Gold Province.  First Mover Advantage.  Building Gold Resource > 500k oz.  Well Funded  Pipeline of Drill Results  Excellent Leverage  > 20,000m Drill Program Underway  Targetting +1M Oz Challenger “look-a-likes”.  Extensive New Gold Province.  First Mover Advantage.  Building Gold Resource > 500k oz.  Well Funded  Pipeline of Drill Results  Excellent Leverage


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