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The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. ZTE Confidential.

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Presentation on theme: "The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. ZTE Confidential."— Presentation transcript:

1 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. ZTE Confidential Network Analysis BOB

2 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Service Observation

3 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Signal trace

4 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. CNT

5 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Call/Paging setup Drop call Handoff

6 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Call/Paging setup Call setup

7 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Paging call

8 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Call setup failure reason SDM_Activate_Fail_AcquirePreambleFail_ Normal( 第一次握手,在定时器超时前, 没有捕获 preamble ,若能捕获,分配 se,ve 等资源 ) ERR_SPS_RLSA_DSPM_CLH_TimerExpi red_Twaitorder (第二次握手, FCH 配置) ERR_SPS_RLSA_BSSAP_TE_Tassignmen t

9 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. SDM_Activate_Fail_AcquirePreambleFail_No rmal

10 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. SDM_Activate_Fail_AcquirePreambleFail_Normal BTS receives terminal origination and then arranges the necessary resource for traffic. When procedure goes to acquire reverse preamble with 5s, it is failed because of bad air link.

11 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. SDM_Activate_Fail_AcquirePreambleFail_Norma Solution 1.Check RC,PN-offset 2. CE resouse 3. Drive test (Ec/Io)

12 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. SDM_Activate_Fail_AcquirePreambleFail_No rmal

13 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. 2. ERR_SPS_RLSA_DSPM_CLH_TimerExpired_Twaitorder

14 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. 2. ERR_SPS_RLSA_DSPM_CLH_TimerExpired_Twaitorder Bad wireless envirement,lose the reverse ack order message; Under opening “ frame check ” , BTS and BSC timer is different Transmitte code ratio

15 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. 2. ERR_SPS_RLSA_DSPM_CLH_TimerExpired_Twaitorder

16 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. 3.ERR_SPS_RLSA_BSSAP_TE_Tassignment BSSAP send EV_S_AvfServiceAssignment message to DSMP,but within 7s,EV_S_AvrAssignmentComplete doesn ’ t be send and EV_S_AvrAssignmentFailure is received.

17 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. 3.ERR_SPS_RLSA_BSSAP_TE_Tassignment Reason and solution: Timere is short,check timer,the default value is 6s. DSMP instance configuration is large DSMP CPU overload

18 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Dropped CallsFailure Mobile : 1) continue 12 bad frame/5s timer for FER 2) within 8s,not receive ack order from BTS BTS: 1)Continue 12 bad frame from reverse 2) not receive ack order from BTS

19 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited.

20 Voice Release MSMS MS C Normal release num Traffice time finish Normal release num Traffice time finish

21 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. SDM_Link_Fail_RevTooManyBadFrm

22 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. 1. signal weak

23 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Terminal sends PSMM to BTS because of weak signal. BTS then sends Handoff Direction Message but receives no MSACK from BTS. After sending PMRO for 4 times and wait 18 for no response. By Judging the reverse air link was broken down, BSSAP starts release procedure to release resources on BSS and MSS sides.

24 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. 2. MS and BSS PN-offset is not consistent

25 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Handoff failure ERR_SPS_RLSA_DSPM_HOH_TimerEx pired_Thocompletion ERR_SPS_RLSA_DSPM_HOH_TimerEx pired_Thoreq

26 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. ERR_SPS_RLSA_DSPM_HOH_TimerExpired _Thocompletion

27 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. ERR_SPS_RLSA_DSPM_HOH_TimerExpired _Thocompletion Terminal is under weak coverage. It sends PSMM to BTS but long time receives no BSACK. At the same time, after receiving PSMM, BTS sends Handoff Direction Message to terminal to instruct soft handoff. However, BSS receives no Handoff Completion Message from terminal side. The communication between BSS and MS has been kept silent for over 5 seconds. Then HO failure generates. This type of HO failure is usually caused by fragile air link.

28 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. Solution 1.Check DSMP timer (5s default)

29 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. 2. check BTS RFE-TX

30 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited. ERR_SPS_RLSA_DSPM_HOH_TimerExpired _Thoreq

31 The information contained in the file is solely property of ZTE corporation. Any kind of disclosing without permission is prohibited.

32 Solution: 1.check DSMP Timer setting(default 5s ) 2.check Abis link 3.check target BTS card status,CHM (CE status, whether there are blocking CEs)

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