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Presentation on theme: " Aleph Networks Co.1 2 Visualization of Energy and Operation Data Development from BEMS as active Enlightenment of the Energy Saving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aleph Networks Co.1 2 Visualization of Energy and Operation Data Development from BEMS as active Enlightenment of the Energy Saving

2 Aleph Networks Co.2 Outline of Visualization System 1. Realize the limitation of conventional data loggers and BEMS ・ Data should be “shown or coming into sight” rather than “going and fetching it”. ・ Show the current energy use trend in real time. 2. Purpose of system introduction ・ Motivate the working staff to involve energy- saving activity individually by showing data. ・ People should take action by themselves, not providing them with automatic energy saving control. System Outline

3 Aleph Networks Co.3 Purpose of Visualization and Points of Development 【 Purpose 】 ・ Indicated information should make people take specific actions for energy saving. ・ Time spans for taking energy saving actions are various such as: →measures should be taken immediately or on the next day or in several days, in a month, or yearly target, etc. 【 Development points 】 ・ Make it visible in unavoidable manner as well as displaying desired page by operation. ・ Show targets in every screen page to give guidelines for specific energy saving actions in clear and simple expressions. → Display messages for promoting specific actions as well as the judgment about the present situation with “OK”/”NG”. Policy for Contents Display

4 Aleph Networks Co.4 Configuration of “Visualization” System 1) Display method for customers ・ Automatic information output from the system (Autopilot) 2) Display method for building managing staff ・ Liquid crystal display is located in the building management room. (Ceiling-suspended type) ・ Automatic information output from the system + Display of desired page by operation Software A : SCADA (central monitoring system) software Software B : Web page software System Configuration Building management room “Visualization” monitor for building management (Software A) “Visualization” monitor for visitors (Software B) Visitors Eco-information booth Data backup server Central monitoring system Building management staff File Touch panel Screen operation for visualization Garbage amount management system I/F Management system of number of customers I/F (people counter) OK/NG determination Data processing

5 Aleph Networks Co.5 Contents for Visualization Visualization Contents for Building Manager

6 Aleph Networks Co.6 No.1-1 Energy Use (power) Comparison for Building Manager Visualization Contents for Building Manager Comparison of energy use (power) Today’s power consumption Outdoor temp. Outdoor humid. Difference from yesterday Outdoor temp. Outdoor humid. Outdoor humid. Outdoor temp. Yesterday’s power consumption power consumption of 2 days ago No. of customers Number of customers Daily accumulated use Accumulated use at equal time October 29, 2010 Demand situation Breakdown of power consumption Outdoor temp. Outdoor humid. Current value Forecasted value Alarm set point Excess forecast Surplus electricity Remaining time Shared lighting/outlet Shared power Shared air conditioner Shared heat source Other electricity Message for action Forecasted demand value is likely to exceed soon. Please beware. Min. Number of customers

7 Aleph Networks Co.7 How to Visualize for Building Manager (3) Demand ① System Proposal: Type A July 3, 2010 Demand situation Breakdown of power consumption Current value Forecasted value Alarm set point Excess forecast Surplus electricity Remaining timeMin. Outdoor temp. Outdoor humid. Other electricity Shared part of outlet Shared part of lighting Shared part of air conditioner Power consumption (kW) Message for action Demand is going to exceed. Please beware. ■ Ӕ ON MALL Visualization ■

8 Aleph Networks Co.8 How to Visualize for Building Manager (5) Annual comparison System Proposal: Type A July 3, 2010 Outdoor temp. Outdoor humid. Performance Amount used Increase- decrease rate Same month this year Same month last year Same month 2 years ago Cumulative total this year Cumulative total last year Cumulative total 2 years ago Cumulative total of power consumption [thousand kWh] 200820092010 Cumulative total of 2008 Cumulative total of 2009 Cumulative total of 2010 Message for action The consumption amount has exceeded the last year’s amount. Demand is going to exceed soon. Turn off unnecessary equipment and keep the proper set points. Month ■ Ӕ ON MALL Visualization ■ Power consumption [thousand kWh]

9 Aleph Networks Co.9 How to Visualize for Building Manager (6) Store Environment and assessment of appropriateness System Proposal : Type A June 30, 2010 Outdoor temp. Outdoor humid. East system West system Item Reference value Current value Set point Assessment Item Reference value Current value Set point Assessment Temp. Humidity Illuminance Load factor Temp. Humidity Illuminance Load factor Message for action There is a point that is out of the reference range in the east system. ■ Ӕ ON MALL Visualization ■

10 Aleph Networks Co.10 Operation Condition of Loading Apparatus in the Secondary Side (In Case of Cooling 1) (1) Visualization Contents for Building Manager October 29, 2010 Operation condition of loading apparatus in the secondary side (OHU-2-1 system) Heat source status operation Status switching Outdoor temp.Outlet temp. Inlet temp. Preset temp. Charge air temp. Two –way valve opening Feeding temp. Returning temp. 2F indoor temp. 2F indoor humid. 1F indoor temp. 2F indoor humid. Item Reference value Current value Assessment Outdoor temp. Outdoor Humid. Temp. difference between feeding and returning Two-way valve opening OHU charge air temp. deviation (=SP – Measured value) 90 or less 1.5 or less 2F FCU group 1F FCU group Message for action Current operation is within the reference range.

11 Aleph Networks Co.11 Crude Oil Equivalent Basic Unit and Store Comparison in Achieving Goals Visualization Contents for Building Manager August 4, 2010 Crude oil equivalent basic unit and comparison among stores in achieving goals Basic unit [L/m2] Total floor area [m2] [globe size: energy consumption] Goal achievement rate [%] Store name Outdoor temp. Outdoor humid. Message for action Store E is the best achiever.

12 Aleph Networks Co.12 CO 2 Basic Unit and Store Comparison in Reduction Rate Visualization Contents for Building Manager CO2 basic unit and store comparison in reduction rate August 4, 2010 Basic unit [t-CO2/m2] Store name Increase-decrease rate [%] Outdoor temp. Outdoor humid. Total floor area [m2] Kinki area Message for action Energy consumption in Store C is increasing.

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