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Spreadsheet Application software program uses ROWS and COLUMNS of data manage, predict & present information.

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Presentation on theme: "Spreadsheet Application software program uses ROWS and COLUMNS of data manage, predict & present information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spreadsheet Application software program uses ROWS and COLUMNS of data manage, predict & present information

2 VOCABULARY ROW: horizontal line; runs across COLUMN: vertical line; runs down CELL: intersection of a row & a column

3 Spreadsheet Entries Enter Type in or record data Edit change an original entry

4 Basic Entries Label Text, symbols, dates, or numbers (NOT used in calculations) Identifier “ Value number used in calculations

5 Problem Solving Entries Formula equation with mathematical operators Function Create shortcut formulas for the user

6 Mathematical Operators for formulas * Multiplication / division Without parenthesis in the equation, these two happen first + addition - subtraction Example =A3 + B3 – C3 * 4

7 Functions Examples SUM (Auto addition) AVG (auto averaging of numbers) Function would be =SUM(B4:B7)

8 Function Parts Name or operation to be done Range Defined block of cells to be used

9 LIGHTNING ROUND A number that is entered on a spreadsheet and used for calculations. value

10 the intersection of a row & a column in a spreadsheet in which data can be entered cell

11 a horizontal line of data across the spreadsheet row

12 Arithmetic equation with symbols (+ - * /) for mathematical operators Example =A3 + B3 – C3 * 4 formula

13 Text, symbols, dates, or numbers (NOT used in calculations) labels

14 a vertical line of data down the spreadsheet column

15 A program that allows you to use ROWS and COLUMNS of data to manage, predict & present information spreadsheet

16 To change an original entry in a spreadsheet edit

17 Create shortcut formulas for the user function

18 A defined block of cells on a spreadsheet range

19 Advantages Fast Accurate Help make prediction Answer questions

20 Answer “What is” questions Current grade Athlete’s statistics Batting average Yardage gained Bus schedules Money available for spending

21 Predictions and Trends Student population increases Win/loss record changes Product sales decrease Hourly wage rate changes US immigration increases

22 POTENTIAL USERS OF SPREADSHEETS Schools Sports Business Personal Matters Government

23 School Student grades Payroll Budgets Class sizes Schedules Do we have enough money for 10 more computers?

24 Personal Checkbook Expenses Investments Income taxes Can I afford a new car?

25 Sports Individual statistics Team statistics Current & future budgets Who has the best batting average? Who gains the most yardage?

26 Business & Government Uses Business Payroll Investment Inventory Product sales Which brand sells best? delivery Government Taxes Census Where should a new school be built? Loans Investments Budgets

27 Would you use a spreadsheet LIGHTNING ROUND 2 Read each question and decide whether you would use a spreadsheet or not.

28 Would you use a spreadsheet? To complete 3 math problems for homework? NO

29 To forecast different scenarios for the new school play? NO

30 When a problem involves lots of numbers arranged in rows and columns? YES

31 If you are tracking numbers that change often? YES

32 To keep a list of friends addresses? NO

33 Would you use a spreadsheet? To write a letter to your mother? NO

34 To look up the spelling of a word? NO

35 To keep track of this season’s soccer statistics? YES

36 To present the results of a survey to your class? YES

37 To keep club members’ names and addresses? NO

38 Graphing Another Advantage! A visual comparison of values Finding trends Seeing changes over time Seeing parts of a whole

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