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Community Based Organization Guide. AlpineLassenSan Benito AmadorMaderaSan Bernardino ButteMarinSan Joaquin CalaverasMariposaShasta Del NorteMendocinoSierra.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Based Organization Guide. AlpineLassenSan Benito AmadorMaderaSan Bernardino ButteMarinSan Joaquin CalaverasMariposaShasta Del NorteMendocinoSierra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Based Organization Guide

2 AlpineLassenSan Benito AmadorMaderaSan Bernardino ButteMarinSan Joaquin CalaverasMariposaShasta Del NorteMendocinoSierra El DoradoMercedSiskiyou GlennModocStanislaus HumboldtMonoSutter ImperialMontereyTehama InyoNapaTrinity KernNevadaTuolumne KingsPlumasYuba LakeRiverside

3 ◦ Complete the Account Registration  Name the CBO Account ◦ Create Password  Security Questions  Tax ID  Funding Year ◦ Privacy Statement





8  Resources  e-App Status

9  The CBO Account: ◦ Provides statistical data for the CBO  Number of applications submitted  Overall status of the total applications submitted


11  Assist the Customer with creating a user C4 Yourself ® account  User names, passwords, and secret answers are case sensitive The customer’s user name, password and secret questions/answers should be entered by the Primary Applicant applying; and should not be shared with relatives, friends, county staff, or Community Based Organizations



14  Select the application type and complete the data collection pages.

15  Answer the questions with the icon. These questions pertain to the Medi-Cal program  Entering Dollar Amounts ◦ It is not necessary to use the $ when entering dollar amounts.

16  Live Chat ◦ Supported by the following counties: ButteKern KingsMonterey San BernardinoShasta StanislausSutter Yuba

17  Each application from the CBO portal is assigned an Application Id.  Once the application is submitted it is no longer viewable.  Tips: Write down the Application ID for your tracking purposes.

18  Applications not submitted will remain in the CBO portal.  These applications can be removed

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