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/geography.html Connections.

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1 /geography.html Connections

2 Up to this point the PowerPoint presentations have been designed to deliver content This presentation is designed to stimulate inquiry and analysis We will examine world maps of the “elements” of geography and look for patterns

3 Connections We will now examine maps of: Landforms Climate Soil Vegetation Fauna As we examine these maps look for patterns …

4 Connections Patterns – what patterns? As you look at the maps ask yourselves the following: Is there a pattern from east to west? Is there a pattern from north to south? Is there a pattern from interior to coast?

5 Connections Patterns – what patterns? As you look at the maps ask yourselves the following: Are mountains related to a specific type of vegetation? Do certain animals live in specific climate zones? Are rich soils located in specific regions related to moisture or temperature?

6 Connections So many questions … And I’ll bet you can come up with many more … all images from unless otherwise indicated

7 Connections Landforms

8 Connections


10 Soils

11 Connections

12 What do we mean by connections? Example (not to be used in presentations) Polar regions and high altitudes exhibit low biodiversity. This is partly a result of low temperature (energy). Low temperature results from high albedo. Note the linking of material from many units in this course.

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