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Financial & Sovereign Debt Crises Reinhart & Rogoff.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial & Sovereign Debt Crises Reinhart & Rogoff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial & Sovereign Debt Crises Reinhart & Rogoff

2 Use Tools for Emerging Markets ? Doubt advanced economies should use emerging market tools since less vulnerable and have policy experience Debt restructuring Higher inflation Capital controls Financial repression R&R: BUT advanced countries have used these tools in the past

3 Undoing financial repression can lead to crises !! Financial sector growth leads to excesses, crisis follows Period of financial repression 1945 - 1979

4 Pessimists Reinhart & Rogoff Warn: Current (large) debt overhang => sub-par growth for > 2 decades. Additional factors: Great increase in government debt Aging society Expanding welfare state R&R: Use emerging market tools !!

5 External Debt Nation can less flexibly deal with external compared to internal debt

6 Debt Overhang FIG 3.2 advanced nations’ gov’t debt highest since WWII (ignores local gov’t debt) Emerging nations gov’ts deleveraged FIG 3.4 Upward trend in private sector debt

7 Debt Reduction DEBT/GDP (measures relative ability to repay). But what’s the danger level ?? To reduce DEBT/GDP Grow GDP (unlikely to be enough) Austerity (will not be enough) Default or restructuring Surprise inflation “Financial repression” comprising: Force domestic banks to lend to gov’t (in most LDCs banks are the only demand for gov’t bonds) Impose interest rate ceilings Restrict international capital flows R&R (2012 JEP) investigate 26 episodes when debt/GDP > 90% Debt overhang episodes averaged 1.2% lower growth than during non-overhang periods Average duration of debt overhang was 23 years

8 Bank crises (vertical black lines) usually followed by Defaults,restructur ings (yellow areas) Debt build-ups (red line)

9 Restructuring & repression frequent in the past !! Blue: debt/GDP: when high, Restructuring (yellow) Inflation (purple)

10 TABLE 3.1 13/21 advanced nations had at least 1 debt restructuring or default Debt reductions have helped cut debt overhang in past : Post-WWI, of 17 countries only Finland repaid all its debt to USA Others’ debt “forgiven” e.g. US reduced France & UK debt/GDP by 25% (US lost 15-16% of GDP) Reinhart & Rogoff: need more debt restructuring

11 A Repression Cycle? Post-Crisis install capital controls, financial repression and default to cut risk, prevent new crises & keep rates low to aid debt financing When confidence returns, authorities liberalize markets but then banking and currency crises follow…

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