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Workshop on the Implementation of Recommendations for the Development and Growth of the Culture & Arts Sector under the EU-ECOWAS EPA & Business Networking.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on the Implementation of Recommendations for the Development and Growth of the Culture & Arts Sector under the EU-ECOWAS EPA & Business Networking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on the Implementation of Recommendations for the Development and Growth of the Culture & Arts Sector under the EU-ECOWAS EPA & Business Networking Opportunities PROPOSED REGIONAL PROJECTS TITLE OF ACTION: Facilitating the Development and Growth of the Culture & Arts Sector under the EU-ECOWAS Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) CONTRACT: FED/2013/330220 Presentation by Mr. Anthony Aidoo (Project Consultant) Centre for Cultural & African Studies (CeCASt) Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi- GHANA

2 THE PROPOSED PROJECTS 2 Projects are proposed as Follow-ups: 1. Literary and Creative Writing Project 2. Film / Movie Project

3 TITLE OF ACTION(S) 1. Literary Writing Enhancing Literary and Creativity Writing Spirit of the 21 st Century Generation of African Writers 2. Epic Film/Movie The Exile of King Prempeh I of Asante and Lessons for the African Traditional Chieftancy Institutions

4 Objectives of Actions LITERARY WRITING PROJECT Overall Objective: To explore and provide opportunities for harnessing individual creative talents and skills to revive and promote literary writing culture amongst the teeming youth across the ECOWAS Region. Specific Objective: To promote regional competitions to unearth literary talents vis-à-vis writers - novelists, poets and playwrights - across the West African region.

5 Literary / Creative Writing Target Groups: Over 1000 literary and creative writers; fine artists; publishing and audio- visual cultural workers (including designers, editors, technicians, managers and professionals involved in writing, production, and promotion and distribution of literary works and activities), and entrepreneurs in the region.

6 Literary /Creative Writing / Cont’d Estimated Results Enhanced capacity for quality Literary Writing, cooperation and exchange of literary works A revived interest in the new generation of literary writers in works of African cultural background patronized by academic institutions and the public at large The rise and birth of a new generation of literary writers - novelists, poets and playwrights in the region, whose creative literary works in the various genres are published, read and performed

7 Main Activities 1. Identification, orientation and categorization of the youths with various literary or creative writing talents /concepts in the sub-region 2. Identification of the publishing industries within the ECOWAS region to encourage cooperation in the exchange and / or the trading of literary ideas /works 3. Visit to stakeholders in the region to identify with the levels of Literary and Creative writing opportunities for support 4. Invitation to writers and publishers workshops in various ECOWAS states to build and improve writing skills and publishing capacity

8 Summary of Actions Regional Survey of the Literary World/Terrain – Writers, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Libraries, Bookshops, Vendors and Radio/TV Discussions Call for Entries – Literary Works from: Individuals, Institutions & the Public – Note on Copyright Classification of Entries: Children, Youth & Adult Literature, and Myths, Legends and History etc.

9 Summary of Actions / Cont’d Publication of selected works under Titles & Genres: Short Stories, Novels/Prose, Poetry and Drama Awards to Winners; Conferences, and Workshops Distributions of Works via Internet, Educational Institutions, Libraries and Bookshops in Partner Countries Regional Follow-ups, Surveys and Assessment of Impact of the Project on the Literary World

10 Summary of Estimated Results Re-awakening of the literary writing culture among the new generation of African youths; A new wave of employment opportunities open to the youth in the ECOWAS region to facilitate individual, local and national development; Popularized culture, traditions and heritage of the people of the region - attraction to Tourists and Investors – locally and internationally;

11 Summary of Estimated Results / Cont’d Availability of new Literatures from the ECOWAS states in the European markets, academic and relevant institutions and Embassies, and An appreciation and understanding of the cultures of the peoples of the region to promote regional cooperation, unity and development in socio-cultural, political and economic life and activities.

12 Epic Film /Movie Observation: The film industry is fast becoming a very progressive and dynamic influence on the self- employment sector for both youths and adults in the arts and culture field in the West African sub-region.

13 The Movie Industry - Observation /Cont’d Indeed, the industry is gradually becoming a dictator of the economy and development for individuals and nations. The onset of the era of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) has greatly enhanced output from the industry within the past decade. Movie watching has thus become part and parcel of social life, with the industry players making diverse contributions to national development.

14 Objectives of Project General: To establish a comprehensive Collaboration that could enhance the output of product and services in the industry to promote total economic and social well-being of the industry players To encourage free movement of artists and entrepreneurship in the industry (within the Arts and Culture sector), and the overall development of all the stakeholders

15 Objectives of Project Specific Objectives: To produce an Epic Movie on “The Exile of King Prempeh I of Asante to the Seychelles” To ensure collaboration of movie actors and actresses in the sub-region to tell the African story the African way To contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable income to support the artists and stakeholders in the industry

16 TARGET GROUPS The Film Industry in Ghana, the Gambia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone as represented on the current Project Film actors and actresses in the 4 ECOWAS Partner states: Film Producers; Film Directors; Script/Screen Writers; Production Crew – Cameramen/women, Designers (set, costume, props, make-ups), Distributers, Advertisers and Vendors.

17 Main Activities Complete the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding among the 4 ECOWAS states on the current arts and culture project. Research into issues in connection with the exile of King Prempeh I of Ashanti by the British in the 1900s To identify issues of connectivity of the 4 partner countries to come up with indeginous African movie that tells the story from authentic source – to the world

18 Expected Results Production of more quality films across the region and patronized by its people across borders without any hindrance To penetrate EU and other world market with very acceptable African movies that would brand the region positively Artists from the 4 ECOWAS states in this agreement can be recognised to ply their trade and services across

19 The End More Opportunities for the Film/ Movie Industry in the 4 Partner States THANK YOU

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