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Presentation on theme: " Bringing the Common Core to Life Grade 4, Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1 SIMULATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing the Common Core to Life Grade 4, Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1 SIMULATION

2 Learning Targets Tools in understanding your own learning Help you know what you are expected to learn and do during a lesson Part of every lesson, used at the beginning and at the end so you can share how you did moving toward the learning target “I can…” statements that you are striving to be able to do in any given lesson or series of lessons 2

3 3 Learning Targets I can notice new ideas and wonder about the lives of people long ago. I can answer questions using specific details from text. I can show what I know by contributing to discussions.

4 New Unit of Study! Iroquois, a Native American Group Lifestyles Values Beliefs Settled in New York more than 11,000 years ago! Influenced how we live today 4 video

5 5 Observing somethingQuestioning the meaning, history, or purpose of what you see

6 "The Iroquois Confederacy" First Half… 6

7 EngageNY.org7

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11 Have you met the learning target, ‘I can record new ideas and wonder about the lives of people long ago? 11

12 Reading about the Iroquois May help explain what is on Tim’s shirt You’ll read the article…read some sections several times just like strong readers! You’ll keep track of your ideas on a graphic organizer 12

13 Creating Your Graphic Organizer 13 Write your guesses about what’s on Tim’s shirt Write any other questions you have from the video

14 EngageNY.org14

15 Does this look like what’s on Tim’s shirt? 15

16 Reading about the Iroquois Important for you to answer the question from reading instead of from hearing a teacher’s explanation…we’ll practice learning from reading all year! 16

17 Page 1 ONLY for today… Dekanawideh day-gahn-na-WEE-da A different language 17

18 Think about the flag and follow along as I read paragraph 1… 18

19 CONSTITUTION A set of rules people agree to live by America has a constitution. 19

20 Follow along as I read the rest of page one 20 Reread page 1 on your own, focus on what it is mainly about. Make notes in the margins. It’s okay if parts don’t make sense…we’ll reread for two lessons.

21 Page 1 What is the article mostly about? I noticed some important vocabulary. Did you, too? Let’s talk about it… 21

22 Important Vocabulary 22

23 What does it mean? So they were rivals…they were competing with each other for something. I wonder what issues they would compete over. What do you think? 23 Bitter rivals (paragraph 1) What does it mean? How did you figure it out or may I show you how I figured it out?

24 ‘Miracle Maker’ Strong readers notice specific words I notice ‘miracle’ in big letters; It might be important 24

25 Reread page one on your own. Think about the symbol on Tim’s shirt. 25

26 Discussion Add 3 specific details from “The (Really) Great Law of Peace” that might connect to the symbol from Tim’s shirt or answer your questions 26 Write your guesses about what’s on Tim’s shirt Write any other questions you have from the video d What do you still wonder?

27 Have you met today’s learning targets? I can contribute to class discussions. I can answer questions using specific details from the text. What is your evidence? EngageNY.org27

28 Homework Independent Reading (from list of Recommended Texts or other topic-related texts from classroom, school or local library 28

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