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The world we are Paul Cook Regional Development Manager - North East Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) Friars House, Manor House Drive, Coventry.

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Presentation on theme: "The world we are Paul Cook Regional Development Manager - North East Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) Friars House, Manor House Drive, Coventry."— Presentation transcript:

1 The world we are Paul Cook Regional Development Manager - North East Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) Friars House, Manor House Drive, Coventry CV1 2TE Tel: 01670 364184 Mobile: 07825933775 Email:

2 Objectives Overview of the Big Society Major policy announcements Management Skills within the Learning and Skills Sector Quality

3 The Big Society There are three main themes of the new government that underpin a whole range of policies in different areas – freedom, fairness and responsibility - making up the Big Society. The Big Society is the flagship programme for the coalition and aims to "to create a climate that empowers local people and communities, building a big society that will 'take power away from politicians and give it to people'."

4 Freedom Three key issues against this theme are: Performance management will be less about complicated national targets and more about outcomes for consumers Policy makers in central government will be looking for leadership in this area from professionals on the front-line Accountability and legitimacy within local communities will increasingly be an important measure of success

5 Fairness Three key issues against this theme are: How colleges and providers can work more effectively as part of a whole-system approach to developing and delivering public welfare strategy Promoting and enhancing the contribution of learning and skills to social mobility, including widening access to HE Safeguarding fairness and equality in the face of the drive for simplification and reduction in bureaucracy

6 Responsibility The three key issues around this theme are: Building and sustaining legitimacy and credibility with local citizens and employers, as well as individual learners, about the contributions the learning and skills sector makes Working more effectively across discrete public sector services at the local level Taking a greater responsibility for organisational mission and strategy and managing the risk associated with enterprise and innovation

7 Major Policy Announcements Minimum contract values - £500k Removal of EMA Funding reductions Increase in Apprenticeships New Skills Strategy Framework for Excellence Executive funding agency Local Enterprise Partnerships? Changes to the Inspectorate?

8 Minimum Contract Values 500k for 2011-12 Value for 2012-13 and beyond? Fewer discrete providers More sub contracting More collaborative arrangements Fewer SFA staff needed to manage contracts LSIS sponsored ALP event on the 20 th December at the Birmingham Metropole

9 Removal of EMA budget from 564 million EMA to approx 70 million hardship fund Effecting 600,000 learners Effect on participation? Effect on Success rates? Is there an alternative to offer the government?

10 Funding changes and reductions 25% reduction over the spending review to 2014/15 SfL uplift removed from all but entry level from 2011/12 Fee loans for 24yr level 3 plus learners from 2013 Reform of statutory entitlements for full subsidy of first full level 2 and 3 quals for 19-24 yrs olds from 2012/13 Dissolution of YPLA and creation of Education Funding Agency from 2012

11 Apprenticeships £250 million increase over the SR period for 19 plus apprenticeships 75,000 more places available in 2014-15 Are opportunities to develop apprenticeships being fully exploited?

12 Changes to the Inspectorate Removal of the needed for inspection for Outstanding providers 9 previously outstanding colleges inspected with only three maintaining their grade and one achieving grade 3 Inspection replaced by risk assessment Slimmed down inspectorate Slimmed down CIF Removal of limiting grade for safeguarding?

13 Framework for Excellence No longer to give grade scores Percentages to be given with national average comparisons Consideration being given to how providers could display own data in a consistent manner for the benefit of learners

14 What are the skills needed within the sector to deal with today’s challenges? Prompts Are the management skills developed within the sector over the last ten years the same skills that are needed now? What are the management skills needed within your organisation right now?

15 How do we enhance quality over the next 4 years? Prompts What will be the impact on teaching and learning? How can improvements be maintained?

16 Paul Cook Regional Development Manager - North East Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) Friars House, Manor House Drive, Coventry CV1 2TE Tel: 01670 364184 Mobile: 07825933775 Email:

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