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Plasma- mostly water, wastes, - Red blood cells-, has hemoglobin to transport O2. produced by bone marrow, broken down in liver. Anemia- White blood cells-

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Presentation on theme: "Plasma- mostly water, wastes, - Red blood cells-, has hemoglobin to transport O2. produced by bone marrow, broken down in liver. Anemia- White blood cells-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plasma- mostly water, wastes, - Red blood cells-, has hemoglobin to transport O2. produced by bone marrow, broken down in liver. Anemia- White blood cells- Phagocytes-- Lymphocytes- produce antibodies which act against antigens ( ) Platelets-, Hemophilia- inability to - Blood

2 Immunity Resistance to – antibodies ( ) in the plasma that are used to fight antigens or pathogens ( ) Active Immunity- antibodies produced as a result of vaccination ( )- long lasting- Example- Chicken Pox Passive Immunity- temporary- by the introduction of antibodies ( ) produced by – Allergies- body produces a histamine, as a result of the production of antibodies ( )

3 BLOOD TYPES A, B, O blood types are a result of the presence or absence of an antigen on RBC’s Blood type A -Antigen A and antibody B ( ) Blood Type B - Antigen B and antibody A ( ) Blood Type AB - Antigen AB and no antibody ( ) Blood Type O – no antigen, AB antibodies ( )

4 Malfunctions Cardiovascular Disease- due to malfunctions of heart High Blood pressure- hypertension damage to arteries, weakened heart Coronary Thrombosis- Angina Pectoris- narrowing of artery, lack of O2 Anemia- Leukemia- uncontrollable production of non functional WBC’s by bone marrow AIDS-

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