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Brain Machine Interface. EEGs Neurons is like a battery; when active, it’s voltage changes Free running EEGs vs ERP (event related potential)

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Presentation on theme: "Brain Machine Interface. EEGs Neurons is like a battery; when active, it’s voltage changes Free running EEGs vs ERP (event related potential)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brain Machine Interface

2 EEGs Neurons is like a battery; when active, it’s voltage changes Free running EEGs vs ERP (event related potential)

3 Background Why use EEG? Richard Caton – 1875 Rabbits & monkeys Berger – humans without surgery Published EEG results 1929 Alpha & beta waves

4 Importance Medical: Detect seizures, strokes, psychotic episodes Severely disabled Train children with ADD to pay attention longer. Passive monitoring Entertainment Gaming Alpha biofeedback

5 Related Work Neuroprosthesis Jonathon R. Wolpaw Others: Krishna Sheroy Dartmouth * Controlling robot in remote location* Smart Home Sandia Labs* Lowering false positive rates


7 Current Status Research and more research Waiting for the neuroheadset Working with the robot

8 Future Work Designing programs to increase accuracy of EEG readings that will be produced. Writing programs to work with the neuroheadset and with the robot Merging the two Increasing accuracy Ongoing

9 Works Cited Barbosa, Alexandre O.G., David R. Achanccaray, and Marco A. Meggiolaro. "Activation of a Mobile Robot through a Brain Computer Interface." 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2010): 4815-821. Print Faradji, Farhad and Birch, Gary E. “A Brain-Computer-Interface Based on Mental Tasks with a Zero False Activation Rate.” Proceedings of the 4th international IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering Antalya, Turkey, April 29th-May2 2009: Print. Farhadji, Farhad and Birch, Gary E. “Design of a Mental Task Based Brain Computer Interface with Zero False Activation Rate Using Very Few EEG Electrode Channels” Anand Thobbi, Rohit Kadam and Weihua Sheng: “Achieving Remote Presence using a Humanoid Robot Controlled by a Non-Invasive BCI Device Abbas Erfanian and Ali Erfani: ICA-Based Classification Scheme for EEG-based BCI: The Role of Mental Practice and Concentration Skills. Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS San Francisco, CA, USA. September 1-5 2004. Print Wolpaw, Jonathon R., and Dennis J. McFarland. "Control of a Two-dimensional Movement Signal by a Non-invasive BCI in Humans." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101.51 (2004): 17849-7854 Barlow, John S. The Electroencephalogram: Its Patterns and Origins. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, 1993. Print. Stafford, Tom, and Matt Webb. Mind Hacks. Sebastopol, Calif.: O'Reilly Media, 2004. 4-5. Print.

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