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Master Literacy Training March 14-15 2016 Professional Development Opportunities DPI Region 6 representative Judy Goins Each topic/session 2-3 hours.

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1 Master Literacy Training March 14-15 2016 Professional Development Opportunities DPI Region 6 representative Judy Goins Each topic/session 2-3 hours

2 Building Comprehension Using Retell, Recount, and Summarize What is the role of the standards in understanding the development of the skills continuum? Retelling starts the continuum- broad….. Begin to narrow and look more specifics detail and information to get to summarize Use the illustrations to develop a deeper sense of story for the reader Look at cover of the book, who can tell me what you see? Whoever is doing the talking is who is doing the learning. Children need to develop sense of story observe- look with your eyes, think with your mind and study everything that you see Give them time to study then share out Recount- Evaluate what is important. Fluff vs. Stuff How does this then tie back to not only understanding of retell but how this deepens comprehension? How does it help build? What did you determine were the key details? Summarize-Narrow information that you are pulling from illustrations. Connecting the dots Paraphrase only key details in a logical order Internalized the most critical elements of text gets the brain evaluate what is critical information in a text. What can I let go and still understand central message, theme or idea.

3 Ipads in the Classroom Why technology? Need to teach Reliable sources, appropriate responsible citizens. Engages students, social, communication, research skills, provides choice, variety of resources NOT to find cute free apps. What they are looking at meets their needs. Differentiated Instruction- What is different reading from device? Hard to go back. Seeing annotations. Read aloud vs. Amazon audible-reading of book without text, vs. Kindle- text on screen swipe or touch, next step up the device would read it to you and possibly flip the pages for you ex. Tumble books- somewhat animated sentences highlighted need to know what icons stand for. VS. plug in ipad read each word, slightly animated ombook (ocean media book app purchasable per text) EPIC, Open ebooks

4 Growing Logophiles (lovers of words) How important are words. Reading Teacher April 2015 How can reading books close the vocab gap? 5 key purposes of vocab- provide child friendly def., ask questions have conversations about new words, re- read books, engage children in retelling the story using new vocabulary. Integrate new words into other activities during the day. Have you ever thought about the “leveled” readers that come with reading series? How can we make up the gap if these are the words they are getting in guided reading. Can’t rely only on guided reading to teach vocabulary. So how do we do it? Word conscious classroom, we have to love words, building blocks in our classroom, morphemes... Direct instruction, most vocab new words are learned indirectly. When children listen to us read a read aloud book, in k-2 most vocabulary is learned as they listen Sensational Six Strategies for multiple meaning words

5 Developing Deeper Thought  Start with the standards- How does the language of the standards shift across the grade levels to support deeper thinking?  Any reader can decode 2 or more levels higher then comprehension.  If we teach or live in shallow, we can’t expect them to give us depth.  Comprehension continuum- handout  Conversations are important for brain balance to discern or pull pieces together.  Paraphrase- model model model. Get students talking, to understand key concepts in text and restate them in their own words without loosing the original meaning. Provide opportunities for students to reword- replace authors words or phrases with a synonym or rearrange- moving words in sentences to make new sentences without loosing meaning.  Metaphorical processing- drawing a graphic that represents what you read, then paraphrase in words.  Text Rationale- We use information from the text to explain, defend, or justify what we are saying. The text gives my answers or responses credibility for my thinking.

6 Text Dependent Questions How do teachers in your district/school use read-alouds? Every day in k-2 Lesson plans for read aloud Read aloud project from achieve the CHECK IT OUT! 60 MINUTES in k-2! 20 minutes 3 times a day. Can teach our kids that complexity through listening comprehension and analyze together. Answering questions through writing scaffolding their learning. 30 minutes a day 3-5 Analyze basal readers questions PD Text Dependent Questions K-5 Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey Page 19 in the text Page 32-42 aligned to our standards what does the text say (General understanding main idea, key details…) 59-69 how does the text work (vocabulary, author’s tone, genres…) 98-108 what does the text mean (inference, author’s purpose..) Pages 136-153 what the text inspires you to do Inferencing- anchor charts Text Dependent tasks that inspire and differentiate, rubrics in book

7 Differentiating Instruction for Guided Reading Groups TRC data- When teachers get their report and see group of kids in a level L or whatever level- NO!! Dive into data, look at whole child. Differentiating instruction is not just putting them into groups. Different next steps in guided reading. We all get the different instruction we all need. Fontas and Pinnell article vol. 66 issue 4 268-284 Teaching the student and not the book!!! Watch for their characteristics and plan instruction accordingly Jan Richardson Next Steps in Guided Reading Appendix A Fontas and Pinnell Continuum of Literacy

8 Thinking Made Visible Set the stage for written response for young readers Proficiency in oral language provides children with a vital tool for thought. Write about learning across the curriculum, deeper thinking is involved. Kids need to start to respond to text immediately. Model, model, model…. 3C’s Celebration, Conventions, Craft Target where they are and make a goal for student ZPD for writing just like reading- Challenge them in instructional level (hold them accountable for what was taught). Keep them from frustration by focusing on skill they need. Independent level can lead to celebrations! Read Aloud- draw attention to vocabulary how an author chooses words…. Have them apply what they are learning Draw first, then write. Drawing moves the writing and thinking. Picture Word Inductive Model Emily Calhoun (label 20 or 30 things in a picture, next day sort the different words, close sentences The ___ is on the ____.)

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