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The Newly Revised CAS Standards and Guidelines Dr. Luke Jensen February 3, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The Newly Revised CAS Standards and Guidelines Dr. Luke Jensen February 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Newly Revised CAS Standards and Guidelines Dr. Luke Jensen February 3, 2011

2  Lesbian  Gay  Bisexual  Transgender  Queer  Questioning  Intersex  Bi-Affectionate  Pansexual  Fluid  Asexual  Genderqueer  Men who have sex with men – MSM  Women who partner with women

3  Same Gender Loving – SGL  Khush  Two Spirit

4  Visibility led by students over time  Positive responses begin with non- discrimination policies  As programming develops, professional development begins  Consortium begins and continues with activism at core

5  Everyone within respective functional area  Explicit assignment for global needs including unique needs

6  Mission  Program  Leadership  Human Resources  Ethics  Legal Responsibilities  Equity & Access  Diversity  Organization & Management  Campus & External Relations  Financial Resources  Technology  Facilities & Equipment  Assessment & Evaluation

7  Standards use must or shall statements and appear in bold LGBT Programs and Services must include examination of the intersection of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression with race, class, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion, and age.

8  Guidelines typically use should or may and do not use bold LGBT Programs and Services should partner with other institutional efforts to recognize and celebrate other areas of diversity such as race, ethnicity, gender, and disability.

9  Outcomes of particular concern  Services generally offered by other functional areas  Resources not generally offered elsewhere  Overall climate and support  Learning opportunities for LGBT students about LGBT people for all

10  Realistic self-appraisal, self- understanding, and self-respect  Identity development  Effective leadership

11 Assesses, articulates, and acknowledges personal skills, abilities, and growth areas; uses self-knowledge to make decisions such as those related to career choices; articulates rationale for personal behavior; seeks and considers feedback from others; critiques and subsequently learns from past experiences; employs self-reflection to gain insight; functions without need for constant reassurance from others; balances needs of self with needs of others

12 Integrates multiple aspects of identity into a coherent whole; recognizes and exhibits interdependence in accordance with environmental, cultural, and personal values; identifies and commits to important aspects of self

13 Demonstrates skill in guiding and assisting a group, organization, or community in meeting its goals; identifies and understands the dynamics of a group; exhibits democratic principles as a leader or group member; communicates a vision, mission, or purpose that encourages commitment and action in others

14  Individual and group psychological counseling  Health services  Career services  Academic advising  Public safety  Records & documentation  Housing  Library & research  Restrooms & locker rooms  Club sports

15  Role models & mentors  Identification of courses with LGBT content  Support in achieving academic success  Identification of resources in support of families with LGBT students  Identification of appropriate religious and faith communities  Global issues for study abroad

16  Advocacy  Training  Identification of negative environmental conditions  Policies and procedures  Equitable access

17  For LGBT student Intersections On and off campus events  For all Basics Impact of laws, policies, and procedures

18  Best practices in working with LGBT students in all functional areas  Collaborations  Co-sponsorships  Connections with off-campus resources  Multi-campus initiatives  Use of electronic and social networking media

19  Institution-based assessment needs  CAS Self-Assessment Guide

20 Part 6: FINANCIAL RESOURCES LGBT Programs and Services must have adequate funding to accomplish its mission and goals. Funding priorities must be determined within the context of the stated mission, goals, objectives, and comprehensive analysis of the needs and capabilities of students and the availability of internal or external resources. LGBT Programs and Services must demonstrate fiscal responsibility and cost effectiveness consistent with institutional protocols. ND 1 2 3 4 NR Not DoneNot Met Minimally Met Well MetFully MetNot Rated PART 6. FINANCIAL RESOURCES (Criterion Measures) Rating ScaleNOTES 6.1 The program has adequate funding to accomplish its mission and goals. ND 1 2 3 4 NR 6.2 Funding priorities are determined within the context of program mission, student needs, and available fiscal resources.ND 1 2 3 4 NR 6.3The program demonstrates fiscal responsibility and cost effectiveness consistent with institutional protocols. ND 1 2 3 4 NR Part 6: Financial Resources Overview Questions A. What is the funding strategy for the program? B. What evidence exists to confirm fiscal responsibility and cost-effectiveness?

21  Surveys & other self-report tools (indirect)  Observations  Interviews  Focus groups  Reflective journals  Performance evaluations  Pre-test/post-test  Portfolios  Capstone projects  Review of project/performanc e by peers (internal/external reviewers)

22  Describe participants utilizing service/program – knowledge, skills, etc. where they begin  Determine acceptable levels of performance  Consider evidence to demonstrate achievement


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