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Chapter 21 and 22 PED 383: Adapted Physical Education Dr. Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 21 and 22 PED 383: Adapted Physical Education Dr. Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 21 and 22 PED 383: Adapted Physical Education Dr. Johnson

2 Chapter 21: Infants and Toddlers Children under 3 years old who are experiencing developmental delays in one or more functional areas – Cognitive development – Physical development – Communication development – Social / emotional development – Adaptive development States have flexibility in determining criteria for eligibility. – Still based on professional opinions

3 Individualized Family Service Plan Present level of performance in 5 major areas (listed previously) Statement of family resources and priorities Statement of major outcomes expected and criteria Statement of early intervention services Statement of the natural environment for the services Projected dates Identification of the service coordinator Steps to support transition into preschool

4 Assessment Screenings – Observations or checklists Standardized Assessments – Norm based (vs peers) vs Criterion based (Pre-established) Curriculum based assessments – Predetermined curriculum objectives Transdisciplinary assessment – Several experts from different fields determine strengths and needs Authentic Assessments – Natural environment (strangers present?)

5 Infant guidelines Interact with parents to promote exploration Placed in safe setting Physical activity to promote movement skills Environment meets or exceeds safety guidelines for large muscle activities Those responsible should be aware of the importance of physical activity People in charge take an interactive role in the child's motor development

6 Toddler guidelines 30 minutes or more structured activity 60 + minutes of unstructured activity Develop movement skills that are building blocks for more complex skills Indoor and outdoor areas that meet or exceed safety requirements People in charge take an interactive role in the child's motor development

7 Additional goal Aid in the development of independence – Attempt new skills – Refining skills – Perfecting skills???

8 Developmentally appropriate interactions Not the same as school aged – Set up the environment Safe Attractive to student and parent Can learn / explore on their own – Child directed learning Adult responds to child

9 Chapter 22: Early Childhood Adapted Physical Education Developmental delays – Physical – Social / emotional – Adaptive Thus, they are in need of adaptive services

10 Assessment Formal – Using data to inform decisions Informal – Checklists and rubrics

11 Developmental differences Varying gaps between ages – Can be ahead or behind – Varying abilities to think, respond and control 3 year old 4 year old 5 year old

12 Pre-school Child directed Opportunity for choices Self-initatied exploration Experience with novel or familiar equipment Exposure to peer models

13 Primary aged Using different teaching styles Providing varied equipment Having rule flexibility to encourage problem solving Varying classroom design Peer observation

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