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The Macalester College Institutional Repository Janet Sietmann Macalester College Library Technology Conference 3/17/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Macalester College Institutional Repository Janet Sietmann Macalester College Library Technology Conference 3/17/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Macalester College Institutional Repository Janet Sietmann Macalester College Library Technology Conference 3/17/2010

2  Particulars  Planning  Populating and Promoting  Policies  Preserving to Publishing  Other Repository Services  Value  State of the Repository  The Future  Resources, Information, Questions 3/17/2010

3  Residential, liberal arts college  1960 full and part-time students  48 out of 50 states, plus DC and Puerto Rico represented in current student body  11% international from 68 countries  164 fulltime faculty  23 Library and Media Services staff 3/17/2010

4  Showcase for student research and publications  Visibility for faculty and staff scholarship  Preservation and promotion of campus publications  Opportunities to educate community about scholarly communication issues  Copyright and author rights  Intellectual property  Advocacy to increase awareness for Open Access  New opportunities for libraries  New relationships  New forms of publishing 3/17/2010

5  Why not the library?  Apply and leverage traditional skills  Selecting  Cataloging (metadata)  Managing content  Apply knowledge of scholarly communication  Open access  Transformation of print to digital  Copyright and author’s rights  Fills a void  Libraries always add value to the community 3/17/2010

6  2005 Digital Assets Management Group formed  Collaboration with ITS  Project teams (planful mode)  Standards  Metadata  Outreach  Original proposal drafted in March 2005 to start with student Honors projects 3/17/2010

7  Digital Commons platform selected and implemented in May 2005  Selection factors  Outsourced solution  Self-deposit features  Included electronic journal publishing features  Submitting  Reviewing  Editing  Pilot project to make Honors Projects accessible  Master Plan written in 2006 3/17/2010

8  Purchased CONTENTdm Summer ‘07  Reformed DAM Fall 2009  The Master Plan is being revised to include other digital assets  Images  Sound  Video 3/17/2010

9  DigitalCommons@Macalester  Shared instance of ContentDM with CLIC  Macalester Archives images  Oral History project  Art images  Macalester Views  Newspapers through ArcaSearch 3/17/2010


11  How? By Collaboration and Promoting!  Collaboration and forming relationships  ITS/AIAs  Academic departments staff  Students  Other offices on campus  Provost  Our faculty as supporters and promoters  Early adopters  Library representatives semi-annual meeting  Library Liaisons 3/17/2010

12  5 minute elevator speech  Introduce the topic  Ask if they know about Open Access publishing  Ask if they’ve heard of Digital Commons  Ask if they’ve thought about their own rights as authors  Talk about tenure review  Talk about how collections will be shaped in the future  Everyone, at every available opportunity 3/17/2010

13  “This is an important way of sharing your insights with the broader scholarly community (and it is another way of giving back – and moving away from a model of extractive research) I really hope you will share your honors theses in this format – in addition to the traditional paper copy.” Professor Bill Moseley, Geography Department  “Just a quick note of appreciation: the Digital Commons is an outstanding aid to my teaching. Not only is this form of publication something to which students can and do aspire, but I also assign past student papers as standard readings on my syllabus, all of which is made easy with the Digital Commons.“ Professor Paul Dosh, Political Science and Latin American Studies 3/17/2010

14  Content  Submitting  Original  Created or sponsored by member of the community  Owned copyright  Withdrawing  Permanent archive  Withdraw only for inaccuracy, plagiarism or copyright infringement  New journals  Open access compliant  Ongoing  Editorial board  Encouraged use of DC publishing platform 3/17/2010

15  Honors Projects loaded digitally  Staff articles and PowerPoint presentations  OA funding for Faculty articles  College publications  Student peer-reviewed journals  Macalester Journal of Philosophy – print based  Macalester Islam Journal – born digital  SMAC – born digital 3/17/2010

16  Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies (IGC)  Cities in the Twenty-first Century (Geography Department)  Himalaya, the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (published elsewhere, current editor is here)  LMW News (DeWitt Wallace Library)  Macalester Abroad: Research and Writing from Study Away (IGC)  Macalester Civic Forum (IGC)  Macalester International (IGC)  Macalester Islam Journal (Religious Studies Department)  Macalester Journal of Philosophy (Philosophy Department)  Macalester Reviews in Biogeography (Biology Department)  Macalester Today (Communications and Public Relations)  Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity and Classics (Classics Department) 3/17/2010

17  Full publishing features  Electronic submission  Electronic assignment of editors and reviewers  Version management  Automatic communication  Access controls  Metadata can be discovered  Full text of file is hidden  Moving wall  Batch upload 3/17/2010

18  Library Technology Conference 2009  Library Technology Conference 2010 and beyond!  Primary conference website  Accepted proposals  Accepted registrations  Track equipment needs  Display session schedule  Show sponsors  Hotel information  Current conference page Current conference page 3/17/2010


20 Selected Works is an optional service that is part of the larger Digital Commons suite of services  It allows faculty to create, manage and share their scholarly output in an individualized publications/research page  It is integrated with DigitalCommons  Searching  Collection  Display  Marketing 3/17/2010




24  Fills our needs  Service  Communication  Customizability  Educational webinars share what other sites do, and what new features are in the next release  Frequent releases, responsive to customers  Hosted elsewhere  Easy  No additional staff needed  Crawled and indexed by major search engines, e.g. Google and Google Scholar  Suggests full citations  Subscription control  Enables the library to take the lead in scholarly communication and publishing  Lovely container through which we can offer our services 3/17/2010

25  Teaches  Publishing skills  Reviewing  Editing  Managerial skills and leadership  Delegation of duties  Follow-up  Intellectual property rights  Provides exposure for their scholarly work  Connects them to future colleagues 3/17/2010

26  Showcases their work  Makes their work widely accessible  Gives them usage statistics  Provides enhanced search ability – more visible  Results in rapid dissemination  Provides a place to create, archive, manage and share scholarly work in an elegantly designed web page  Makes journal editing for peer reviewed journals easy 3/17/2010

27  DigitalCommons  1968 papers to date  144,562 Full-text downloads since April 2005  58,592 Downloads in the past year  8 honors projects in 2005 to 230 in 2009  20 Regional and National award winning papers from 4 departments  Fall and Spring instruction sessions  12 Journals  2 are born digital  1 is student peer reviewed, using all publishing features  And 3 new ones in the works  Selected Works  126 individual faculty pages  1 staff page  Campus Scholarly Communication Committee 3/17/2010

28  Relationships  Institute for Global Citizenship  Sustainability Office  ContentDM  3923 Art images, used in teaching  124 Archives images available beginning March ‘08  Macalester Views Fall ’08 – 59 photos  21,868 College Relations images Fall ‘08-current  13 Oral Histories 3/17/2010


30  Directions  Multiple platforms – what goes where  Adding video to DigitalCommons  More types of unimagined of content  Back loading of journals ?  (Digital) submission requirement for Honors Projects  Mandated open access publishing for faculty  Annual report  Staff changes 3/17/2010

31  Paul Royster.”Publishing Original Content in an Institutional Repository” Serials Review 34:1 (2008)  Donovan, James M. and Watson, Carol A., “White Paper: Behind a Law School’s Decision to Implement an Institutional Repository (2008)  Charles Bailey. “Institutional Repository Bibliography”  Bankier, Jean Gabriel. “The Institutional Repository Rediscovered: What Can a University Do for Open Access Publishing?” Serials Review 2007 or 2008  SPARC - Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition  “Campus based publishing partnerships: a guide to critical issues” by Raym Crow  3/17/2010

32   Master Plan found under Library  This presentation found under Library Technology Conference 2010  Other Digital Assets accessed from our library home page under Digital Initiatives  Janet Sietmann   651-696-6545  Reserves desk, 1 st floor DeWitt Wallace Library 3/17/2010

33 Questions? Comments? Suggestions? 3/17/2010

34 Thank You! 3/17/2010

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