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Kindergarten Considerations and Timeline to Incorporate a New Vaccine in City and State Immunization Programs in the United States Katelyn Wells MS, Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Considerations and Timeline to Incorporate a New Vaccine in City and State Immunization Programs in the United States Katelyn Wells MS, Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 kindergarten Considerations and Timeline to Incorporate a New Vaccine in City and State Immunization Programs in the United States Katelyn Wells MS, Association of Immunization Managers (AIM), Research Coordinator Methods Discussion challenges existincorporationnew vaccineSignificant challenges exist to the incorporation of a new vaccine and varying timeframes are needed to completely incorporate vaccine in all recommended populations. funding underinsuredThe availability of additional 317, state, and local funding may enable more programs to supply vaccine to the underinsured population in private and public settings. Additional research studies should investigate how select programs were able to provide vaccine to this underinsured population.Additional research studies should investigate how select programs were able to provide vaccine to this underinsured population. Background AIM is a non-profit, membership association created in 1999, funded by cooperative agreement with CDC/NCIRD Membership: 64 state, territorial and urban area NCIRD grantees Goals: To Promote Nationwide partnerships to eradicate vaccine preventable diseases; Adequate and efficient allocation of resources to immunization efforts;Adequate and efficient allocation of resources to immunization efforts; Development and implementation of sound immunization policies and programs; and Development and dissemination of information about effective immunization programming. Purpose Incorporation occurs over timeIncorporation of a new vaccine in a city or state immunization program occurs over time and is influenced by factors such as available funding. different fundingPrograms draw from different funding streams to supply vaccine to VFC-eligible children and children who are underinsured. varies by programAbility to supply vaccine to VFC-eligible and underinsured populations varies by program. Therefore the purpose of the study is: timeline “new vaccine” identify factors (1) To determine the timeline for incorporation of a “new vaccine” (HPV) into city and state immunization programs, and (2) identify factors that influence the ability to supply a new vaccine. City and state immunization program managers (n=56) were asked to complete online surveys at two different times after HPV vaccine was available on the federal contract (October 2006). 4-months (February 2007) 15-months (January 2008) At 4-mo and 15-mo questions include: * HPV vaccine incorporation* by age for: - VFC-eligible population - VFC-eligible population- Medicaid, Native American/Alaskan native, non-insured, or underinsured served at FQHC, RHC or their delegate. - Underinsured in Public Setting - Underinsured in Public Setting- insured without coverage for immunization; served in public settings other than FQHC, RHC or their delegate. Vaccine provided with 317, state or local funds. - Underinsured in Private Setting - Underinsured in Private Setting- insured without coverage for immunization; served in private settings other than FQHC, RHC or their delegate. Vaccine provided with 317, state or local funds. Incorporation refers to the point in time program allows VFC providers to order and administer vaccine. *Incorporation refers to the point in time program allows VFC providers to order and administer vaccine. 15-mo question include: factors Rate the significance (Likert 1-5) of factors that influence the decisions “ANY NEW” vaccine around the incorporation of “ANY NEW” vaccine for VFC-eligible populations. - Sufficient stock - Sufficient funding - Availability of vaccine for all age segments of ACIP recommended population - Ability to provide vaccine equitably across VFC, Underinsured, and Insured populations - Programmatic readiness (e.g. time to educate providers, revise forms, update registry, approve state level policy) - ACIP recommendations published in the MMWRSurveyResponseMissing 4-months89%(50)6 15-months93%(52)4 Results Incorporation of HPV for the VFC and Underinsured Population at any age Incorporation of HPV vaccine by age vaccine for VFC-eligible population Programs view of significant factors for the incorporation of “ ANY NEW ” vaccine. LIKERT SCALE Special thanks to the AIM Research Committee (44) (18) (52) (26) (21) (31) (4) (48) (6) (3) (1) (37) (3) (5) (3) (2) (4) (42) (6) (12) (8) (22) (3) (6) (10) (6) (26) (15) (13) (4) (4) (5) (15) (3) (21) (13) (8) (11) (8) (16) (4) (15)

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