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How do you use library instruction?. Library Instruction That Improves Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement 2016 Innovations Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

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Presentation on theme: "How do you use library instruction?. Library Instruction That Improves Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement 2016 Innovations Conference, Chicago, Illinois."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you use library instruction?

2 Library Instruction That Improves Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement 2016 Innovations Conference, Chicago, Illinois March 2016 College of Southern Nevada Ted Chodock – Librarian Caprice Roberson – Librarian

3 CSN Basics Large Urban Community College 3 main campuses plus online & 6 sites 18,288 FTE / 33,867 Head Count Ethnically Diverse: HSI and MSI designations

4 CSN Library Instruction Program: July 2014-June 2015 Library Instruction Sessions570 Number of Students Taught10,301 Students Completing Online Information Literacy Tutorial2,493

5 Assessment in Action Sponsored by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services 24 community colleges participated out of a total of 203 institutions

6 CSN’s Assessment in Action Project Inquiry question: What is the impact of CSN Library Services’ instructional services on student success? Outcome: Improved student success outcomes correlate with:  Academic confidence  Institutional connectedness  Attitudes conducive to academic success Information literacy skills generally do not have a significant impact.

7 CSN’s Assessment in Action Project 365 pre-tests and 221 post-tests 16 participating sections, including 5 types of instruction:  General orientation (2)  Drop-in workshops (7)  Online tutorial (2)  Assignment integrated (3)  Embedded librarian (2)

8 Information Literacy Skills Questions Pre- and post-test proportion of correct responses on information literacy questions

9 Confidence and Institutional Connectedness The library instruction I received in the course will help me complete assignments

10 Information Literacy Results by Instruction Type The change between pre- & post-test out of the 10 information literacy questions

11 Mean score for confidence and connectedness questions correlationsignificancenumber of participants All Participating Students: Course Grade.278**.000155 Assignment Integrated Cohort: Course Grade.341*.03937 All Participating Students: Fall 2014 Semester GPA.229**.002178 Assignment Integrated Cohort: Fall 2014 Semester GPA.547**.00037 * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Impact of Assignment Integrated Instruction

12 Takeaway: Assignment based library instruction is the most effective method.

13 Assignment Integrated Instruction At time of need In multiple mediums Available for follow up

14 Workshop Time!

15 Challenges Among fellow librarians Among teaching faculty

16 Questions? Ted Chodock Caprice Roberson For more information on the AiA project:

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