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Module 9 Cartoon stories What kind of cartoons do you like? Does it always have a happy ending? Is it always funny? Who is your favourite cartoon character?

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2 Module 9 Cartoon stories What kind of cartoons do you like? Does it always have a happy ending? Is it always funny? Who is your favourite cartoon character? smart cute superman

3 Unit 1 We need someone like superman who can save Tony. Listen and fill in the table. NameWhat kind of cartoon do they like? Cartoon character they like Betty Tony stories with a hero who saves the world superman cartoons which are funny Jerry

4 She thinks it will be unhappy. Because it’s serious. I think he can give the camera to Tony before he talks to his father. 1.What does Betty think the ending will be? 2. Why is the situation no laughing matter? 3. How do you think Superman can save Tony? Because Tony’s father will be angry when he finds out that Tony has lost his camera.

5 He gives it to Daming. Because she’s the one who will save Tony from the bad situation. When he sees the flash. 4. Who does Mr Jackson give the camera to? 5. When will Tony possibly find out that his friends have got the camera? 6. Why does Betty says she’ll be Superman?

6 1.Daming likes cartoons that and characters that. 2. Mr Jackson wants to have a word with Tony because. 3. Tony will be in deep trouble if. 4. The flash will show Tony that. 5. The cartoon will have a happy ending because. have lots of jokes are heroes like Superman or Batman he has got camera which has got his name on it his father that he’s lost the camera his friends have got the camera Tony won’t get into the trouble after all. he tells

7 1. A is a person who plays a part in a story, and the is the person who plays the main part. 2. A cartoon is one which doesn’t make you, such as a of a news story. 3. A cartoon in which the hero saves someone is a story with a happy. 4. A is a story you tell to make people laugh. character drawing laugh ending joke hero serious

8 ① dear adj. 亲爱的 e.g. Dear Sir. / My dear. ② 昂贵的 (expensive) e.g. That’s a dear shop. ③ int. ( 表示伤心, 焦急, 惊奇等 ) 呵 ! 哎呀 e.g. Oh dear!

9 serious (adj.) --- seriously (adv.) e.g. Are you kidding or are you serious? 你是开玩笑还是认真的 ? Grandma is seriously ill. 祖母病的很重。 He always looks serious and never laughs. 他的表情总是严肃的,从来不笑。 The storm caused serious damage to the house. 风暴对房子造成了严重的损坏。

10 你能告诉他我想和他说句话吗 ? But it’s no laughing matter. This is serious. 但这不是什么可笑的事情。这很严肃。 Could you tell him I’d like to have a word with him? 这面包干了,我得去同面包师说一说。 This bread is dry -- I must have a word with the baker.

11 If Tony tells his dad that he’s lost the camera he borrowed, he’ll be in deep trouble. 如果托尼和他的爸爸说他把借的相机丢了的 话,他肯定会处在麻烦当中的。 他打碎窗子了。他会遇到大麻烦。 He has broke the window. He will be in deep trouble.

12 1. A good beginning is a half. 2. My Chinese teacher is a serious man while my English teacher is a f one. 3. The two brother aren’t the similar to each other. The elder is stupid and the young is. 4. It’s no laughing matter. It is. 5. The man upstairs is not pleased with the man. ending unny smart serious downstairs

13 A B B B D 1. He is a man of humor sense who often makes people. A. laugh B. laughs C. laughing D. to laugh 2. This isn’t one of those cartoons which often us happiness. A. brings B. bring C. to bring D. brought 3. We need someone Lucy. A. who like B. like C. is like D. likes 4. Let’s to speak to the man over there. A. come B. go over C. come over D. to go 5. I like cartoon stories which have. A. a happy ending B. happy endings C. no ending D. any ending

14 1. have finished the work can leave. A. Those who B. Anyone C. The one who 2. The boy was able to himself when he was very young. A. dress B. wear C. put on 3. I’m a football fan. I’m interested in everything is about the 2006 World Cup. A. who B. that C. where 4. Cars cause most of Beijing’s air pollution. So the “No Car Day” campaign asks Beijing drivers their cars at home one day each month. A. leave B. leaving C. to leave A A B C

15 Oh dear! 哦,天哪! But it’s no laughing matter. 但这还是什么可笑的事情。 to have a word with 与某人说句话 That a good news. 那是好消息。 Here you are. 给你。 In deep trouble! 有大麻烦 !

16 who, which 或 that 1. 当先行词指人时,可用 who 或 that 引导从句;先行词指物时 可用 which 或 that ;既指人又指物时先行词只能用 that. 2.who,which 与 that 可以作从句的主语、宾语。作宾语时关系 代词常被省略。 3. 当 who, which 与 that 等关系词作从句的主语时,其为主动词 的单复数形式必须与先行词一致。

17 cartoon character ending flashfunny hero

18 joke laughing word serious smart Be in the deep trouble

19 Listening Daming: Oh dear! Where’s the camera? What’s Tony’s dad going to say? Betty: This is like a cartoon story. Lingling: Why? Betty: I can imagine every drawing in the cartoon, and I know what the ending will be. Daming: The cartoons I like have lots of jokes. Lingling: But it’s no laughing matter. This is serious. Betty: This isn’t one of those cartoons which make you laugh. Daming: And the characters I like are heroes like superman or Batman. Lingling: We need someone like Superman who can save Tony--- Mr Jackson: Hello, I’m looking for Tony.

20 Daming: He’s over there! Mr Jackson: Could you tell him I’d like to have a word with him? I’ve got a camera which has got his name on it. It was upstairs. Daming: That’s good news. Shall I give it to him? Mr Jackson: OK. Here you are. Betty: Oh, Tony’s dad is going over to speak to him. Daming: If Tony tells his dad that he’s lost the camera he borrowed, he’ll be in deep trouble.

21 Lingling: How can we let Tony know that we’ve got his dad’s camera? Daming: I know! Let’s take a photo. He’ll see the flash. Betty: That’s a smart idea! Give it to me! Lingling: Well, it may not be very funny, but perhaps it’ll be a cartoon which has a happy ending. Betty: And I’ll be Superman! (Snap)

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