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Inspiring an Innovative culture Australian Design Institute, Sydney, May 2013. The Deloitte growth story.

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Presentation on theme: "Inspiring an Innovative culture Australian Design Institute, Sydney, May 2013. The Deloitte growth story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inspiring an Innovative culture Australian Design Institute, Sydney, May 2013. The Deloitte growth story

2 “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy

3 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903) "Maxims for Revolutionists"

4 BRW Magazine, 2003

5 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3 10% CAGR 7% CAGR Stage 4

6 How did we achieve this growth?


8 Horizon 1 Horizon 2 Horizon 3

9 Stage 1: Humble beginnings

10 Horizon 1 Horizon 2 Horizon 3 ✗✗✗


12 Personal responsibility Deny Defend Justify Alibi Blame Rationalise. Deny Defend Justify Alibi Blame Rationalise.

13 Cultural misfits No Passengers No


15 “harnessing dissatisfaction with the status quo” Innovation:

16 things The Dumbest

17 Horizon 1 Horizon 2 Horizon 3 ✗✗ ✓

18 Stage 2: Thinking expansively


20 Yellow hat thinking is about looking at opportunities and allowing you to see a positive future.

21 No firm has ever exceeded its own aspirations

22 $1 Billion

23 Why not?



26 Horizon 1 Horizon 2 Horizon 3 ✗ ✓✓

27 Stage 3: Crouching Tiger

28 You no longer have the right to dream

29 You have a responsibility to dream…

30 …and then execute

31 DeloitteVentures


33 Stage 4: Making preparedness real








41 Thanks! @shieldsbAU

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