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Observational Practice Learning PRACTICE LEARNING 1 – PL1.

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1 Observational Practice Learning PRACTICE LEARNING 1 – PL1

2 The teaching has enabled you to consider these abstract concepts!

3 How Adults Learn Kolb and Gibbs

4 Specific Practice Learning Requirements Students must spend 200 days in practice learning All practice dates are fixed and co-ordinated by teaching staff Years 1 & 2 are short observational learning in a range of care settings and linked to academic assignments. Years 3 & 4 are longer assessed learning.

5 Year 1 Practice Learning Dates A two week block – Mon to Fri - from Monday 18 th to Friday the 29 th of January 2016 You will be set tasks to enable you to consolidate the teaching on this module and prepare for trimester two teaching 10 days must be completed in year 1 You cannot progress with out completion of practice learning - thus missed days must be made up A practice learning day normally consists of 9am - 5pm

6 What is Observational Practice Learning ? Why do we have observational placements on a social work course? Identify how and what you learn from observing others? What is observational learning?

7 Why do we have it on the programme? You cannot learn everything in the class room Real experiences merge theory and practice Integrate and consolidate classroom learning Build knowledge and skills Contextualise the helping relationship, values, skills and services Provide opportunity to gather real material. Help you reflect and build self awareness The agency will provide and support appropriate learning opportunities

8 Observational Learning is Learning through being active and included – as appropriate to Observational context The agency know what you need to learn Reflecting on experiences with real people. Listening & interacting – team, agency service users Students will be inducted into the agency and will get involved in meetings and interact with service users consistent with PL1 requirements Taking responsibility for your own learning. Noting down what you are learning and what you understand about your experiences. Linking your learning to your teaching

9 Use the time to reflect You have a Mentor to help you Examine your use of self, values and skills Use the reading and teaching you have had Take time to gather information directly from staff and service users The service users can be your biggest source of learning don't miss the opportunity. Seek out information for your assignment and presentation.

10 Activities which students must NOT be involved in Moving and Handling (students are neither trained nor insured for this re PL1) Personal Care Restraint procedures Mealtime assistance for those with eating/swallowing difficulties is not appropriate. Students must not work unsupervised with service users especially those who present risk. Mentors have been given relevant information and/or training and will consider any risk issues prior to involving the student in activities.

11 Observational learning links to Module Assignment Trimester 2- Understanding Poverty, Inequality, and Discrimination module - involves The Library Research The Excel worksheet Assignment 1 – Poverty Essay Assignment 2 Group Presentation Separate information will follow on about this. Meanwhile – reflect on what poverty is and if your service user group experience poverty.

12 Feedback Feedback is provided from Mentor/Agency and Service Users Feedback is also provided from Students Feedback content is in PL1 Handbook – it includes areas of your attendance, communication skills and value base Feedback will be assessed by Teaching Team in respect of your professional development and fitness to practice Feedback is a process which continues through the Course

13 Practical Information PL1 details – advise PLDO of any issues asap PVG - follow information provided (“relevant”) Contact your Mentor prior to placement READ the Handbooks Research placement agency/setting Travel expenses and Business cover re own car Support for any issues in placement

14 Additional Points Placement settings occasionally change (e.g. H&S Checklists) – check your UWS e-mail on regular basis SSSC Codes of Practice Confidentiality Any further questions? Enjoy!

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