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Luca Ruini Global Supply Chain HSE Vice President CARTACRUSCA and something else.

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Presentation on theme: "Luca Ruini Global Supply Chain HSE Vice President CARTACRUSCA and something else."— Presentation transcript:

1 Luca Ruini Global Supply Chain HSE Vice President CARTACRUSCA and something else

2 CartaCrusca, a new life for bran CartaCrusca is the paper produced exclusively for Barilla using 20% of bran, which gives a pleasant perception of naturalness and premiumness. CartaCrusca is the first fine paper to be made from bran residues that can no longer be used for human consumption, replacing cellulose and filler materials. CARTACRUSCA

3 Barilla CSR Report GYGP


5 Bronze A' Design Award Winner in Packaging Design Category, 2014 - 2015 winner for category packaging LUXE PACK in green 2015 prize was awarded to Favini and Barilla for the eco-friendly corrugated cardboard made with Cartacrusca / Bran paper. Winner of the overall prize of the jury Cartacrusca Case History presented as a virtuous case of circular green economy at the meeting of European Ministers of Environment – July 2014 Academia Barilla Selezione Italiana Packaging & Cartacrusca Prize List




9 Barilla Packaging Waste Labeling System Paper Plastic Glass Not YET recyclable! Metal

10 10

11 Global Company Recyclable Packaging Rate 98% 2014

12 12 Global Company Plants Waste Recovery Rate 92% Waste 2014

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