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VISUAL KISMAAYO SOIL: after washing the soil, you can see that all components are very small. 50% of the soil is actually fine sand and the rest are smaller.

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Presentation on theme: "VISUAL KISMAAYO SOIL: after washing the soil, you can see that all components are very small. 50% of the soil is actually fine sand and the rest are smaller."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISUAL KISMAAYO SOIL: after washing the soil, you can see that all components are very small. 50% of the soil is actually fine sand and the rest are smaller particles (clay and silt) KISMAAYO SOIL SAMPLE MAY 2016 VISUAL KISMAAYO SOIL DRY: Look at the different particles in the soil and look at the grain size distribution. In this case, it is 50% fine sand and 50% bigger particles. We would say that it has a good grain size distribution. Meaning, that the soil has a good gradation from smaller to bigger pieces.

2 VISUAL KISMAAYO SOIL WASHED: after washing the soil, you can see that all components are very small. 50% of the soil is actually fine sand and the rest are smaller particles (clay and silt)


4 As you can see, there is only a slight shrinkage. Furthermore, you can see that the surface is very flat (good for plastering).

5 CIGAR TEST: after having taken out any bigger particles, a cigar is made and pushed off the palm of the hand.

6 CIGAR TEST: as you can see, the cigar in this case only breaks towards the end, meaning this is a cohesive soil.


8 BAIDOA SOIL SAMPLE MAY 2016 VISUAL BAIDOA SOIL DRY: Look at the different particles in the soil and look at the grain size distribution. The grain size is from 1cm to fine components. We would say that it has a good grain size distribution. Meaning, that the soil has a good gradation from smaller to bigger pieces.

9 VISUAL BAIDOA SOIL WASHED: after washing the soil, you can see that all components are very small. 60% of the soil is aggregates after the washing. It is nicely graduated (from small to higher pieces).

10 As you can see, there is only a slight shrinkage with slight cracks. There were many big aggregates and the surface area has many stones

11 CIGAR TEST: a cigar is made and pushed off the palm of the hand.

12 CIGAR TEST: as you can see, the cigar in this case breaks often in the middle, but this is often as there are still many aggregates in the soil mixture.


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