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National Active Recreation Working Group Recreation SA - Parks and Leisure SA/NT State Conference 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "National Active Recreation Working Group Recreation SA - Parks and Leisure SA/NT State Conference 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Active Recreation Working Group Recreation SA - Parks and Leisure SA/NT State Conference 2016

2 What is CASRO? CASRO

3  progress active recreation activities that underpin the National Sport and Active Recreation Policy Framework (NSARPF)  identify strategic active recreation issues for consideration by CASRO  identify national priorities for active recreation and possible strategies to address issues raised by jurisdictions our vision

4 Issues identified  All jurisdictions agree that there is a lack of comprehensive data quantifying adults and children’s participation in active recreation.

5 issues identified  The NSARPF provides strong leadership for the strategic policy direction for sport, however, it only provides a high level strategic framework for recreation and there is no nationally agreed direction for addressing active recreation issues  This has resulted in:  the lack of a consistent model for State Departments of Sport and Recreation (SDSR) to support the recreation sectors in Australia  no cohesive national message for active recreation  the addition of recreation as a secondary part of the sport message

6 national definition  “Active recreation activities are those engaged in for the purpose of relaxation, health and wellbeing or enjoyment with the primary activity requiring physical exertion and the primary focus on human activity.”

7 The NARWG recognises the non sport ‘sectors’ of the sport and recreation industry as identified by the Australian Quality Framework, namely community recreation, outdoor recreation and fitness.

8 national priorities Participation: 1. Countering barriers to participation with a focus on increasing children’s participation and improving physical literacy. System sustainability: 2. Sharing effective models for engaging and working with the issues in active recreation sectors. 3. Developing national active recreation approaches including a national approach to promotion. System alignment and collaboration: 4. Fostering ongoing engagement with active recreation sectors to achieve outcomes. Research and data review: 5. Developing a national approach to data and research projects with a focus on: supporting the mega trends identified within the CSIRO’s ‘Future of Australian Sport’.

9 Let's talk about progress

10 1. Develop a national approach to research projects.  Australian Bureau of Statistics  Australian Sports Commission AUS.PLAY  Active Queensland Research  Clearinghouse  Research priorities  Workforce development and training  Value of active recreation (economic /social)  Impact of active recreation on the environment – to inform promotional messages

11 2. Engagement Models and sector capacity building.  Industry Consultation by Jurisdiction  Collating list of industry Stakeholders*  Draft Communique to industry after each face to face meeting of the NARWG.  *This has turned out to be very important given the disconnected nature of recreation.

12 3. Physical Literacy in Children  The use of national consistent terminology  Identify providers/industry participants providing unstructured play opportunities

13 4. National approach to the promotion of the benefits of active recreation.  This is on hold at the moment pending outcome of research

14 5. Nationally consistent Adventure Activity Standards to provide national consistency.  This is now the largest single national recreation project ever funded  Will take 3 years to fully complete Part 2 is:  Map other standards across Jurisdictions

15 6. Workforce Development strategies  The Outdoor Leaders Registration Scheme is being further investigated as a part of item 5  Further research will then be undertaken under Focus area 1

16 7. Sustainable access to land and environments.  Audit of recreation legislation and consumer law across jurisdictions

17 8. National conference/summit  Presented at the Parks and Leisure National conference 2015  States are presenting to appropriate audiences  Ongoing review…

18 prompts  The ‘magic wand!’  The BIG issues  What is the role of government  Federal  State  Local

19 Thank you for your participation on behalf of: ACT Sport and Recreation Services Australian Sports Commission Communities, Sport and Recreation (Tas) Department of Health (Com) Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing (Qld) Department of Sport and Recreation (ACT) Department of Sport and Recreation (WA) New South Wales Office for Sport Office for Recreation and Sport (SA) Sport and Recreation Victoria

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